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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

We asked veteran owned businesses listed in to tell us how their time in the military helped them succeed as business owners. Below are some of their answers.

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“I learned leadership, critical thinking, interpersonal and management skills.”

Allyn Nock - BrightStar Care

“Military has taught me how to get something down by streamlining the process and focusing on the end result. In the event of facing obstacles, take a step back, refocus and then go accomplish the mission.”

Irving Donaldson - Blue Alert, LLC

“The ability to turn ideas into action plans by using the OSMEAC formula and achieving goals.”

Clayton Poff - Energy Cost Reducers, LLC

“It gave me a chance to have HUGE responsibility at a very early age. I was in charge of some very high profile programs. This experience propelled me into having the skills needed for entrepreneurship!”

Jeffrey Luckado - IMPACT Homebuyers Group, Corp

“Do to the military training, I have learned to communicate with different type of individual and to communicate with them their needs for my service. My main service is to help each individual to purchase the home of their dream or to help current homeowner get better rate and lower their monthly payment of their current home mortgage.”

John Sheppard - J Sheppard Loan Processing Service

“It taught me honor, integrity, hard work, perseverance, adaptability, how to improvise, overcome and complete on each mission.”

Shelly Bauer - Universal Investigations, LLC

“The experience acquired during my 23 years of military service and our unique approach to identify and complete our projects, places us at a different level than that of our competitors. Indirectly we are still serving our nation and those that are currently serving and we are extremely proud for it!”

Alfredo Quiros - Telum Protection Corp

“My experience as an infantry Marine taught me the value of extensive planning, yet gave me the ability to adapt well to ever-changing demands and situations. As a business owner, I'm able to provide faster solutions and service because of my military service experience.”

Klay South - Operation Care Package 24/7

“14 years of service active duty and air national guard. Organizational skills lead to a structured business, learning to manage, lead and follow for a well rounded business plan, that has pointed us in the right direction.”

Chris Barcikowski - Mid Atlantic Commercial and Residential Real Estate Solutions Inc

“Organization, teamwork, following through with a job once started.”

Meredith Bogen - Bogen Pest Control, Inc.

“I became more confident in myself to the point if someone else is doing well I could to.”

Gary Wainwright - Zrii International

“Gave me the principles and discipline that drives my business.”

Thomas Bednarczyk - SilverLining Partners LLC

“Instilled discipline, confidence, and satisfaction in a job well done.”

Sean Elkin - Searchlight Interactive, LLC

“The discipline and rigid routines have prepared me to be honest, trustworthy, and above punctual in my approach to all of my inspection activities.”

Thomas Spoor - Quality Home Inspection

“Training opportunities and instructing leadership courses.”

George Duncan - SWFL Duncan Group, LLC

“The drive to be mission focused.”

Joe Webb - 4 Granite Inc.

“I am better prepared to take leadership positions and handle adverse conditions properly.”

Kim Carevic - Kim's Trucking Co. Inc.

“In my eleven years of service I have honed skills on being process orientated all the while keeping a steady pace in accomplishing the objectives set. Discipline and motivation has helped me accomplish whatever it is that I set forth to do.”

William Tortorice - Wealth Management Group, LLC

“Military training prepared me to follow rules and steps in order to achieve goals. It taught me teamwork and how to be a good leader. There are some of the things I was able to use in order to become a business owner. The Army core values are something I have used as a way of life both in the military and in the business world, and it has been essential to our growth.”

Fernando Martinez - Ostar Motorsports


John(Jack) Furtney - JS Gifts and More

“Persistence and Organization!”

James Terhune - T&T Materials

“The military taught me structure, discipline, work ethic and teamwork. It helped show me that hard work can pay off. That by not quitting you can reach the goals that you set.”

Steven Matthews - RisingStar Entertainment

“Organizational and leadership skills.”

James Abbott - Satcom Scientific, Inc.

“Being an Infantry officer in the Army is about health, fitness and self-defense of our nation, through leadership of others. Teaching traditional Kung Fu is all about helping others develop health, fitness, self-defense, and leadership skills.”

Doyle Perry - United Martial Arts

“Made me a more dynamic, honest and determined individual!”

Jake Haap - Orion Home Inspections

“The discipline and hard work that I experienced in the Navy was priceless. It helped me to create a successful pressure washing business. Serving my country through the United States Navy was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

KENNETH MEDINA - CFB Pressure Washing

“By supplying me with the tools to become a responsible, organized and motivated adult.”

Willie Vega Jr. - FITNESS 4 LIFE Personal Training

“The military discipline most of all gave me the head start to achieve in civilian life and the command training gave me the ability to direct others toward goal accomplishment.”

Jim McConaghy -

“Taught me to lead by example.”

Jeffrey Allen - Global Crossroads Capital

“As a Retied Command Master Chief, USN, my military experience prepared me to be a better business owner through visible leadership, team work, hands on management, and a strong moral compass.”

Barry Hemphill - Green Things

“During my 21 years in the military, I have developed my discipline and attention to detail that I use everyday as a business owner. My biggest asset is STANDARDS, and that is why it's in the company name "Military Standards Window Cleaning.”

Scott Pearce - Military Standards Window Cleaning LLC

“Discipline-Team Work-Pride!”

DAVID DEMARS - North American Property Management

“The military prepared me to be a better business owner, by challenging my mind and body through seemingly impossible tasks. After accomplishing these tasks, I realized that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.”

David Zimmerman - Lawn n' Home Doctor

“Discipline in decision making during adverse situations by far leads the list. Leadership was always taught and practiced everyday as it is in the business world. No one never needed to tell a group of gathered people that they were in the militia.”

John Raddatz - Tri City Tool & Die, Inc.

“While serving in the military I learned honor, pride, and attention to detail.”

David Dohrmann - A Quality Carpet Cleaning

“Being a Marine & D. I. speaks for it's self - There is only one way to do it and "That's The Right Way". ~ They call me {The Box Doctor} and I have 46 years experience Semper Fi”

Roger Maxson - Maxson Container Consultants

“Personal relations and discipline.”

Henry Canup - Henry Canup's Metal Polishing

“Military service prepared me to be an effective leader in all kinds of situations. It taught me to be a better decision maker and to be fair and equitable in my dealings with others.”

James Boles - BTI

“The Air Force, Airmen, invested time in mentoring me and developing my skills to be able to manage complex tasks and make sure the job gets done!”

Ed Stobierski - G.I. JUNK

“Discipline of finances. Only taking opportunities that present winning outcomes. Networking opportunities.”

CHARLIE FRISCH - Z3 Consultants Inc

“The 343rd. & 2849th. Civil Engineering Squadrons taught me the ins & outs of the Construction Industry. From how to set Brick, Block, Concrete, Windows, Doors & Drywall to Materials Procurement & Scheduling just to name a few.”

Michael Pereira - Palm Home Improvement Inc.

“Taught me organization and preparation.”

William R. Whitteker - Pansermesh Inc.

“Hard work with attention to detail, supervising crews, Organization, Safety, Maintenance logs, Maintenance schedules and preventive maintenance of equipment. Patience, Respect of others.”

David Search - Endless Summer Lawn Care LLC

“The military instills in most persons a sense of responsibility and respect for structure. The chaos in our daily lives is much better dealt with, I believe, by a person with a military background as opposed to one without. This is evident by the shear number of people locked up in our prisons at enormous cost to our society. For those who chose to change their lives or to seek adventure or to follow in the footsteps of another in joining the military, my hat is off to you. All the best!”

John Berosh - Information Systems 2000

“Positive, can do attitude where failure is not an option as well as leadership qualities which helped motivate and support my employees.”

David Fisher - Military Supply Coins

“I am always on time and I do what I say.”

Sam Emmerling - Sam Emmerling Company

“Procedures and systems.”

Ron Glazer - Ron Glazer

“Provided training, education, experience and ethical core values.”

Jay Marzulli - Biz Web Wiz Web Design

“Organizational Skills - Paying attention to details!”

Jay Giese - American Pride Industrial Equipment and Services LLC

“First the military service allowed me to participate in the GI Bill which paid for my Masters Degree in Business. Second it instilled in me a sense of integrity and honesty with is often missing in business. Third it taught me to focus on clients.”

Paul Harar - Maximum Blends

“Organizational Skills.”

Keith Picard - VAL-FAB, Inc.

“Standing on my feet for hours, listening to the roar of the ships engines, and being meticulous are all necessary characteristics of a good sailor and a vigilant press man!”

Jeff Hooper - Hooper Printing

“Discipline, Discipline, Discipline!”

Lindy Scarborough - Magictainment

“My military service gave me the courage and determination to start and manage Extremely Clean Pressure Washing.”

Bryan Whalen - Extremely Clean Pressure Washing

“It taught me how to live with very little income.”

Brian Kinney - Brian Kinney Insurance Agency

“Military service is invaluable in teaching one team work, discipline, communication, contacts, and allows one to establish life long friendships.”

David B. du Pont - HEPCO, Inc.

“Serving in our military has taught me the discipline necessary to manage the day to day operations of my business!”

Edward Humbert - Complete Heating & Cooling

“Leadership abilities, and discipline acquired in the service has carried over into business.”

James McBride - Environmental Management System

“I was able to afford an education with the GI bill. Thank you Uncle Sam.”

Patrick Hamer - HomeSculptor

“Responsibility and honor.”

Joseph Gleason - J Gleason Consulting

“The good people that trained me at FT. Polk LA. taught me to never give up, no matter what the odds, keep the pressure up and persevere until the adversary can be conquered.”

Alfred Kamosa, Jr. - Kamosa Realty

“1- Dealing with diversity 2- making well thought out and timely decisions 3- Do what ever it takes to complete the project 4- Turning negative situations into positive results”

Mel Flaget - Point 2 Point Logistics (Independent Landstar Agency)

“The military's ability to create professionals, good work ethic, discipline and can do attitude has definitely helped me with my business.”

Michael Rock - Rocktek

“Once I left active duty I as able to secure a civilian position with the US Army Corps of Engineers where I worked for nearly 10 years as an IT Manager developing a broad range of skills including Web Designer, IT Manager and Strategic Planner.”

Russ Cuthrell - Spyder Byte Media, Inc.

“First and foremost, the Navy taught me electrical. I work until the job is finished. Confidence, knowledge and integrity were expected of me while serving and now those characteristics are provided for my clients.”

Steven Barrow - Sun Electrical & Renovations, LLC

“Determination, readiness, motivated, able to accomplish any task!”

Douglas Goss - The Plumber Company, LLC

“Goal setting and personal discipline and the attitude to never give up also with the goal of giving back to my God and country for blessing me.”

thomas nordstrom - Tom Nordstrom Construction

“Attention to detail. Management skills with employees.”

Ryan Powell - The Cleaning Corps

“Serving in the Navy has given me the discipline to be a better business owner. I was able to commandeer my four sons into getting involved with our family run business, therefore running a tight ship. Our Italian Ice business is run by all walks of people across the United States (some of which are veterans).”

Harry Moore - Little Jimmy's Italian Ice

“90% of the employees of TCS Consultants are former service men and women or the children of service men and women. The military has instilled a sense of duty, mission accomplishment, and self discipline that we have transferred into our profession.”

Timothy Clegg - TCS Consultants, LLC

“It has given me the direction, capabilities and confidence to own and operate a small business.”

Jeffrey Gruhlke - Pinnacle Carpet Care

“Tolerance, endurance, must succeed attitude.”

Linda Newberry - Agape Pools Leak Detection & Repair

“Professional leadership and commitment to providing a professional service for our clients.”

Chuck Yezza - 1st Choice Property Inspectors Inc.

“Attention to detail, self discipline, teamwork, and a "never quit" attitude was instilled in us in the USCG. If you apply these principles to everything you do, you will prevail.”

Donald Lynch - LYNCH Janitorial & Cleaning, LLC


Norbert Rug - Akron Grove Bath Products Inc.

“Taking control, responsibilities and preparing for adversity and having control of oneself when challenged.”

Ernest Smith - Health Force Drug Test

“Almost 10 years in the USAF taught me many things including trustworthiness, timeliness, honesty, sense of pride, and ethical behavior.”

Michael White - Heritage Heating & Air LLC

“The Texas Air National Guard instilled in me (at least) three traits that are highly desirable in business owners/entrepreneurs... discipline, perseverance and tenacity. Without these traits I would never have been able to drive my business to where it is now.”

Chris Nicolaou - Texas DNS, Inc.

“Leadership, working with teams, management, efficiency and hard work.”

Mel Lamont - Lamont Brands Inc.

“For me, military service has instilled discipline and integrity, which carries over in any project I undertake, as well provided me with opportunities to develop and apply leadership skills. I believe these qualities and attributes have prepared me to be a better business owner.”

Maura Meade - AVON - Independent Sales Representative - Maura Meade

“Being a leader of Marines prepared me to take the reigns of my company and relentley give everything that I possibly can to ensure that our customer base comes first and receives nothing but the highest quality of service.”

Brett Granger - Global Garage Flooring and Design of Houston, LLC.

“The military gave me a sense of accomplishment and the will and desire to achieve any goal set in front of me. With the motivation given to me by the many people in the military pushing me only made me stronger as a person.”

Francis Kalokitis - Kal Kom LLC

“Discipline, integrity and honesty!”

Marc Soss - Marc J. Soss, Esquire

“Being a marine has developed discipline and organization to our business. We consider it an honor to do business with other veterans.”

Harold O'Callaghan - Waco Formworks LLC

“Discipline, leadership, coping with things when the tides are against me.”

David Woods - Woods Patrol and Security Service

“Honor, respect, discipline!”

stephon mudd - Services Rendered VIP Photography

“Honesty and integrity!”

Ronald McClaskey - R-Mac Electrical Service

“I was a Army Corp of Engineer officer leading different platoons through multiple types of missions which really helped me be adaptable to change.”

James Farrell - The Lawson Flag Supply Co.

“Joining the Marines was the best choice of my life. In my business life it has given me huge confidence and integrity. The willingness to persevere through any situation is also a big plus in my business.”

James Erickson - EMC Dental Marketing

“The military instilled the importance of pride and dedication in the task at hand, also the need for attention to the details of any task I undertake.”

Michael Langel - Proving Grounds Lawn Care

“Personnel Management. Leadership. Strong work ethic for long hours.”

Mark Rothrock - Rocky's Bar

“The leadership training I received in the US Army prepared me to take on many challenges in life as well as taught me the skills I needed to venture out and start my own business.”

Leopold Lacrimosa - SonoranDesertKnives

“Organizational skills.”

Tommy Pope - Business Systems, Inc.

“Taught me a "never quit" philosophy!”

F Gregg Meagher - Life Regeneration Systems Corporation LLC

“Learned how to be more focused on getting things done, and to research as much as I can before taking action.”

David Rowland - Rowland Enterprises

“Attention to detail, accomplish the mission, problem solving, team work, decision making, proactive, responsible, professional, finding the best and fastest ways to accomplish the mission. Good interactivity with seniors (clients) and subordinates.”

Mark Hutchings - Black Ops

“More discipline to do what is right. More direction to get to my goal.”

James Moore - D.J.M. Building and Remodeling Co.

“Military trains you to get things done and go the extra mile. This is the core philosophy for my company which shows in the way we treat our customers and the quality of work we perform.”

Gus Meyer - Cypress Door & Glass LLC

“Military Service enabled me to have the discipline and internal drive to succeed in creating and growing my own company.”

Jamie Falconi - Stellar Apparel

“My experiences in the Air Force as a Security Specialist taught me Leadership Skills, Attention to Detail and Pride in Accomplishing Tasks to a Degree of Perfection not found amongst many.”

Larry Ebeling - Spectrum A/V Group

“My service in the military has allowed me to travel the world and expand my herpetology experiences far more than I ever expected. The Army Values are what I bring to work every day in order to complete the task at hand; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.”

Luis Fraser - Rattlesnake Removal USA - N California

“As a Marine, I was taught the values of leadership, discipline and camaraderie. This is still very much evident 35 years later.”

Frank Espinoza - Frank H Contractors

“Attention to detail that is required in the military has driven our business. Getting to jobs on time and completing them with the quality that is required is also a skill pounded into us military members.”

Russ Stark - Surface Specialists of Arrowhead Country

“Military service provided me with a disciplined approach and the desire to take pride in my work.”

Gary Gruenwald - Domestic & International Security Group, LLC

“Made me a strong leader and willing to pursue my goals.”

ramzi torbey - Halo-8

“The Army gave me the attitude and drive to get things done correctly and efficiently. There is no civilian training that can compare to the conditioning your body and mind receive even in the first year of training. Real Integrity is key!”

Charles Clements - Clements Drivelane

“100% disabled Viet Nam Era Veteran and formed the show to help other veterans navigate the system for their benefits.”

James Lytner - Veterans Talk / The Forgotten Promise

“Organization skills, accomplish anything attitude.”

Allen Hafer - Sandal Marine Services

“Military service taught me that taking care of people is just as important as turning a profit. We truly believe that in helping others in a fair and honest way that we are also helping ourselves to be better people.”

robert thomas - Thomas and Sons Home Efficiency

“Taught me the importance of responsibility, commitment, integrity, honor, service. Never to give up, always stand for what is right. GOD bless all our veterans, and GOD bless the United States of America.”

Jose Uz - Caribbean Realty Support Services

“Serving in the Army and now the Reserves has helped me to be more aware of the world around me. My organizational and communication skills have improved, I have an increased love for my country and our freedoms. I returned from my 4th deployment to Afghanistan (2012) and am honored to say that I have served with the finest men and women and am grateful for their support and for what we have learned together.”

Adam Peters - Three Willows Counseling, LLC

“The discipline, training, and life experiences make veterans the best small business leaders in the civilian community. We use all those learned lessons and training experiences and apply them to our day to day operations and find they work extremely well.”

Michael Mizell - Millennium Security Services, LLC

“Leadership skills!”

C. J. Brown III - PeoplePower

“Define goals, keep focus and achieve defined objectives.”

Leslie Cooley - Pierce/Cooley Architects, Inc.

“It has given me the discipline to realize that what the mind can see it can achieve!”

Richard Olvera - LegalShield Independent Associate - Richard Olvera

“Giving me the discipline and knowledge to be competitive.”

Greg Nixon - QualiCare Commercial Cleaning

“When I enlisted in the navy right out of school, this was during the Vietnam war. I was a gun captain with the responsibilities of ten young men like myself, and the military by giving me that task set the wheels in motion, with teaching me leadership among my peers, and has helped me with my business.”

mike whitmer - Mike's Natural Stone Walls

“In the Marine Corps I was trained to be prepared for all different situations.In business you must be prepared for the ups and the downs and during both of those trends we always make the client the most important part of our business.”

James J. Capuano - Veterans Print Management

“The military has given me the foundation to run and own a company.”

JASON LOFTIS - Courier Solutions, Inc.

“It provided me with the discipline needed to operate in a fluid manner even in stressful situations.”

Brad Crawford - Top Home Inventory Services

“The military prepared me very well by instilling the willingness to work long hours and a toughness to complete any task. The military also gave me the opportunity to get a degree using the GI Bill which made this all possible. Thank you!”

Dennis Dilley - PCB Interconnect Solutions, LLC

“My military duty has prepared me to constantly pay close attention to detail and multi task to correctly cover my clients. It has also prepared me to deal with the fast pace and hi level of stress that comes with running an Insurance agency.”

Michael Barden - Barden Insurance Agency

“Paying attention to the details is a skill I acquired in the Army. It fits very well running a small business.”

Ronald Foster - Consumer Opinion Solutions

“Discipline. It's all about discipline.”

Bob McGuire - Cooking Classes in Melbourne with Chef Bob

“Serving my country has been one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences of my life. The leadership, problem solving skills, as well as the strong work ethics instilled on me while serving, permeate everything we do at our law firm.”

Gary Lambert - Lambert & Associates

“Attention to detail and the mindset to get the job done one way or another!”

Michael Jarecke - mjaUSA Hosting & Online Services

“The Army gave me the skills and confidence to open my own business. The support I have already received from fellow veterans gave me the push I need to know that I can succeed as part of the veterans community.”

Robert Kent - MN Concealed Protection, LLC

“Being a Corpsman in the Navy for 8 years taught me leadership and attention to detail.”

Jeff Moore - Quantum Home Inspections, LLC

“Government contracts can be a daunting task. However, having served in the Army the skills you develop as a leader prepare you to adapt to changing needs and to pay close attention to detail.”

Taylor Justice - Squared Away Construction

“Discipline, Discipline, Discipline. I received a lot of knowledge from my career in the military. Air Force values; Service before self and excellence in all we do.”

James Myers - Cincinnati Painter, Inc.

“Motivation, education, and integrity.”

James Molnar - Colossal Construction Company LLC

“I spent 17.5 years serving on active duty. All of the days had enriched my development which in turn has made in to the Man I am today.”

John Adair - J&H Custom Woodworking

“My Military service gave me the values of dedication, discipline, and service that I apply to every aspect of our premium laundry solutions.”

Jennifer Green - Swoosh Laundromat

“The founders of VeteransPlus believe that the principal of 'Serving Those Who Have Served Us' should be extended beyond the bureaucratic limits of government. Our view is that we should all devote as much pride and determination in service to veterans and their families as we would expect from them in our national defense.”

David Collins - VeteransPlus

“Taught me not to quit even in today's economy.”

Merlyn Seeley - Shikata Enterprises

“All ways on time and doing the best you can the first time.”

Robin Bradley - Maid In America Janitorial Service

“My Air Force experiences expanded my view of the business workplace and now allows us to uniquely approach the field of human resources through an effective and efficient use of processes, practices and principles.”

Leanne King - SeeKing HR

“Learned discipline and to stick with it.”

Bruce Cram - Douglas Enterprises Transportation Services

“Attention to detail is the number one thing I learned from the Army. This helps me everyday while inspecting homes.”

Michael Ivie - IVCO Home Inspection Service

“The military helped me mature. It also helped in making critical decisions.”

James Mathews - National System of Garage Ventilation

“The military taught me to apply attention to detail in all my work. It has helped my organize, plan and execute the services I provide to my customers.”

William Slusser - Patriot Cleaning Services

“Dedication, hard work and always faithful (semper fidelis).”

Ron Hall - R & S Small Engine Service

“Discipline and stick-to-it-tiveness, organizational skills, administrative, keep moving forward in the face of adversity; no doubt that without the skill sets I learned and honed in 18 years of military service that they prepared me.”

Doug Kelly - SEO for My Website

“USMC did for me more than I could ever explain in a paragraph. Women like myself going in the USMC in the 1970's were a rare breed among ourselves, before the USMC shaped us into Marines. Tolerance, patience, and ability to see through the BS.”

Hollyecho Montgomery - Women's Computer Consulting

“My 4-year enlistment in the United States Air Force taught me many skills. As a Security Police K-9 officer, I learned how to write detailed incident reports that would later be used in court to get full convictions. I also learned that a quest for knowledge and training in my career field led to special duty assignments, advancement and recognition by my superiors. Additionally, my GI Bill benefits allowed me to further my education and complete my degree programs, which provided me with additional skills needed in today's business environment.”

Jeff Tomczak - Rocky Mountain Flag Company - Littleton

“Leadership training and military experiences taught me to take pride in my accomplishments and strive to do the best I can with what ever I am doing.”

al mettler - Mettler Upholstery

“After 8 years in the Marine Corps, I have learned that such values as Honor, Courage and Commitment not only apply to the military and battlefield, but to my professional life as well. Vets need to look out for each other just as we did in service.”

Greg Trost - No Surrender Productions


Ed Mihalacki - Laurel Mountain Laser

“The USN 82-86 has taught me or helped prepare me in life for all the big words like, responsibility, dependability, respect, fairness, and much more! I probably would not be where I am today without this valuable duty of serving my country!”

Michael Marcus - Las Vegas Tile and Grout Cleaning

“In the military you learn a business from the bottom up. Although you may not look at the service as being a business it is in it's own way. You start at an entry level position and work your way to supervisory then on to management.”

Tammy Bowles - CAG LLC

“Military offered training and development skills in diverse environments. They taught me to never to give up, teamwork, leadership skills and on the job training. They taught me to succeed in everything I did whether the job is big or small.”

Joseph Latorre - Direct N-Pakt LLC

“Went in as a kid, came out more grown up.”

Chris Rider - DirtGlue Enterprises

“USAF provided outstanding training and experience which has enabled me to become a bar-none, state-of-the-art computer and electronics guru.”

JOSEPH SMITH - Joseph Smith - IT and RF Consultant

“Being an Executive Officer in an Combat Engineering Construction Company, I learned that duty to mission is the most important thing. The mission of Schiller Ahern is to put our clients in a better position than before our relationship began. We are committed to doing everything we can to make the client proud of our efforts and results. To us, the client is first.”

Chris Ahern - Schiller Ahern

“My military service has prepared me for life. Being a business owner is just one piece. The discipline and work ethic I gained from my service combined with a greater understanding of team and leadership continue to be useful everyday.”

Christopher Swenson - Brightcore Consulting

“The military taught structure and discipline, which is a must in business. Therefore, the preparation to operate a successful business has been accomplished. The military time taught patience for economic crisis and financial trials such as now.”

Toney Clark - Fresh Start Help Center, Inc.

“I learned from my tour of duty as a Marine Corps Helicopter Pilot many personal traits and core values that serve me well in 29 years of business in real estate.”

David B Meyers - Meyers & McCabe Properties

“As an active duty member of the United States Army, I learned many many skills essential for entrepreneurship. I learned self discipline, leadership, commitment to task. I am grateful for the experience I had in the military for these reasons.”

Honey Rodgers - Premier Backyards

“My experience as an electrician in the Navy helped enable me to use this knowledge in construction and remodeling for residential and commercial customers.”

Robert Stouter - Stouter Construction, LLC

“We are able to produce the required documentation, samples and attention to detail needed to help make our customers approvals and acquisition processes go smoothly.”

Will Cronin - Tiger Foam Insulation

“I realized that anything is possible and we are only limited by our own initiative.”

Joseph Abi-najm - VA Home Inspect, LLC

“Being a Disabled Combat Veteran and a business owner has proven to be challenging. To have a certification such as the SDVOSB, and to have organizations in place to help publicize the importance of using companies like ourselves is truly priceless”

Joshua Glassburn - Construct Solutions, Inc.

“Being in the Navy taught me work ethic, trade skills, and knowledge of my industry.”

Dan Jensen - Advanced Machine and Fabrication

“The Marine Corps instilled in me a special set of leadership skills that have been imperative in facing the different challenges of business ownership.”

John Raftery - Patriot Contractors Inc.

“The military did a good job of improving my organizational skills, and my ability to function for days on end with little or no sleep! It also helped me to realize that all fears are conquerable.”

Michael Vahey - Michael Vahey LLC

“I always listened in the Army to others opinions. Everything I know today, I learned from somebody else. The great discipline in the Army guided me in my own business to do everything top notch.”

John Juranek - Nirvana Time LLC

“Responsibility and accountability. The military taught me how both of these words will have an impact on my military career. Now that I am retired I have adapted these principals into my everyday business life.”

kevin Palladino - PAL's Power Washing, LLC

“Very attentive to detail, caring and sharing with others.”

Jim Shear - Sekurenet Inc.

“Taught me to focus and set goals to attain desired results.”

Anthony Barbarette - Smoky Mountain Kayaking

“My military experiential base as a program and project manager, logistical specialist, and variety of other attributes from the service helped keynote the abilities I have learned to develop to be successful as a business owner.”

Dennis R Stebbins - Ventus Travel

“The military prepares people with a unique perspective on challenges. Veterans learn how to approach the world from another angle, and have an unparalleled drive and focus for meeting each challenge.”

Chad Bowerman - The Yellow Dog Group, LLC

“As a squad leader with Delta co. 52nd Engineers during Desert Storm I realized the importance of some of the things we were drilled on during our training and the importance of continuing that training and to be adaptable to the situation.”

Boyd Hughes - B & B Power LLC

“Both my wife and I are proud to be veterans. Military service has helped teach us self discipline and responsibility.”

Robert Rhodes - Bayou Cache

“My four years in the military helped me prepare for business by training in personnel, logistics, basic management, movement of manpower, personnel training, discipline, intelligent thinking.”

Bob Socks - BS Marketing & Promotions

“The Navy prepared me for unforeseen circumstances, so when I was declared disabled and unemployable by the Veterans Administration, I knew I had to do something to support my wife and kids, so I started my website.”

Douglas Conklin - Camelot Gift Shop

“Plan your work and work your plan!”

Edmund Matricardi, Jr. - Combined Action Company

“It has made me aware of attention to detail and the importance of serving others.”

Benjamin Ross - Indiana ProClean

“It has taught me to stay focused, diligent, and the ability to push yourself to limits to get the job done and the ability to depend not only on yourself to get the job done, but having the right team to succeed and accomplish the mission.”

Patrick McDonald - Innovative Vending Solutions, LLC

“Being a former military member has set the foundation for my business. A great business owner constantly practices due diligence and commitment, and leadership, three very important skills that I have gained from my military experience.”

Jamie Kincade - JLK Global Enterprises, Inc.

“I am used to putting up with whatever it takes to get the job done.”

Paul Coghlan - Paul A. Coghlan & Associates, P.C.

“18 months in Vietnam in 1969 right out of high school teaches you how to handle any situations that comes your way, and for me that 18 month tour has made me a better business owner.”

Jon Murany - Photo-Tec Graphics & Signs

“I am a disciplined, well organized and punctual business owner who believes in providing a quality service at a reasonable price.”

Joe Ferguson - Rio Grande Home Inspections, LLC

“The Military taught me a number of things. The values of hard work, dedication, and integrity. In my business its crucial that my clients feel and know that I am taking care of their best interests with the highest of ethical standards.”

Conrad Caldwell - North State Insurance Group, LLC

“By instilling the discipline and dedication to succeed.”

Charles McGrue - Thelexiana Enterprises, LLC

“It has helped me immensely in self-discipline and tenacity which are so required in running a business. My service to my country has widened my perception of the world and brought a new dimension to my conception of service to others.”

Robert Weimer - Weimer Mech Services

“I am currently doing the same work the navy trained me on almost twenty years ago.”

Kirk Campainha - Universal Fire Protection

“The best Leadership course in the world, working as a Team, Training under pressure. Integrity, Health and Fitness as part of the work day.”

William Brisbin - Promothreads

“The Air force taught me discipline, to pay attention to detail, to be on time and many other things to numerous to name.”

James Gibbs - Quality Painting by James

“Working on military aircraft has shown the reason for high quality and zero defects.”

Michael Priest - Revolution Prototype and Machine

“Military service gives one structure, goal and a way to accomplish those goals.”

Richard Hope - Richard Hope Construction

“Military service prepared me for the world I would be facing when I was discharged.”

Richard Langis - Rick Langis Private Investigations

“As a Veteran of the first Gulf War, I know the importance of making the most out of every day. The training I received as a 12B Combat Engineer (1st Infantry Division) has prepared me to clearly assess any situation and to address any challenge in a calm manner. The Army has prepared me for all that life has thrown at me over the years and has given me the ability to lead people in a positive way. My service has reinforced how Blessed I am to be an American, and how Blessed I am to have opportunities to help others!”

Peter Nasarenko - XCL Unlimited LLC

“Provided the discipline needed to manage day-to-day business and unexpected obstacles.”

Arthur Brussard - TruckCourier, Inc

“Learned to be responsible, punctual, dependable, persistent, loyal, appreciate teamwork, respect for self and others, leadership.”

Jesse Willingham - TriMark Marketing Technologies, Inc.

“It taught me personal responsibility, accountability, and efficiently.”

william frueh - Treeline Design LLC

“I learned to lead and to make my own decisions and stick to them. Make goals and see them through.”

Joe Robinson - Traffic Safety System LLC

“Well-established a specialized military background while working in the civilian world offers a wealth of knowledge to the public and government agencies.”

Mike Drevline - Tradevet, Inc.

“As a veteran of combat ready carrier duty, it provided me emergency preparedness experience as it relates to supporting local and large scale disasters.”

Jerome Hamilton - TractorFax Technologies, LLC

“Discipline, courage with 3rd Bat/26th Marines and 1st Bat/13th Marines.”

Stephen Coyle - Town-Green

“The experience I learned in Desert Storm was invaluable to forming who I am as a person today. If you can get thru basic training or a week in the field, you can certainly get thru a late night project without much complaint. The structure of the military and the patience needed have carried over into my day to day business practices.”

Lisa Fargo - Fargo Design Co., Inc

“Military service taught me how to be respectful of others, especially of my elders. Gave me the opportunity to learn a trade and how to use my hands. I learned to solve problems by listening versus acting first. Made me a better young man by being a team player, learning and working with others. Hard work always shows results which equals success. I returned to the civilian workplace a lot better person then the one who entered into the military, that's for sure!”

Steven Seidmeyer - FAWSsit™ Showers

“Took a boy and made him a man who is not afraid of the challenges of hard work and dedication.”

John Hooper - Fiat Incorporated

“Hard work, discipline, attention to detail, professional and responsible in all we do!”

Remo Mazzetti - First State Contractors, Inc.

“My military service prepared me to be a better business owner because it provided me with the ability to not only focus on the big picture of a project, but to identify the necessary components to accomplish a stated objective. ”

Genesiac Folkes - Folkes Brothers, LLC

“To be successful in any endeavor, you must have discipline, persistence, and drive. The military required all of those qualities and more. Above all it require integrity, which clients will recognize and appreciate.”

Grady Ford - Ford Consulting Group, LLC

“My time spent in the Marines taught me dedication, discipline, and gave me a "No-Quit" attitude. It has helped me to start and run my company.”

Tyler Fox - Fox Benefit Solutions

“My military service prepared me to be a better business owner by working with other people of all nationalities and races. It prepared my by teaching me to be organized and mission focused.”

Douglas Akers - Fresh and Frozen Delights, LLC

“Prepared me for life!”

James Fecteau - Freeport Plumbing & Heating

“Discipline, organization, stamina, organizational skills.”

Steve Slover - G&S Electrical Services, LLC

“The military teaches team work, personal development, resolve and honesty. It instills courage and empathy. These are hallmarks every business owner must develop to operate their business.”

Kelley Philips - Mulligan & Philips Construction, Inc.

“Traveling overseas in the Navy helped me prepare for my extensive travel, working as a Storekeeper provided warehousing knowledge and confidence in working with others overseas.”

Robert Mull - Mull Export Management & Consulting LLC

“Military service (25) years has given me the necessary discipline and training to operate a business. After one year (1969) in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, running a business seems easy.”

Joseph Reis - Naval Aviation Cadet Benson

“Teaching me to never give up no matter what happens.”

Jack Gentile - New York Aviation Corporation

“The biggest gift from the military for me lies in understanding the necessity for clarity at the onset of what you want to achieve, planning and organizing for that result and ensuring you have some way of getting on-going feedback about how things are truly going with respect to your plan.”

Reggie Crane - Next Level Coaching and Consulting Services

“The military has given me the technological and communication advantage to work within today's industries. I have been able to make the successful contacts that have allowed me to start this business as a direct result of the skills I matured while in the military. Go Army!”

Micah Young - Noah's Rock LLC

“Focus and discipline, organization and importance of readiness and training.”

Thomas Savoy - Northwest Pedorthics

“Leadership and management skills. Patience and perseverance.”

Edward Norton - Norton Consulting & Investigations LLC

“Improved communication skills due to extensive experience in leadership positions throughout my 23 years active duty.”

Sergio DelHoyo - NOVA Home Inspection LLC

“To be on time and responsible for your actions!”

Jim Coshatt - T & C Services LLC

“'As I reflect back on my military experience and its “lessons learned”, it is clear that many are transferable to managing a business. First, you are only as good as your people. If you hire good people and mentor them, trust their will and allow them to grow, your team will ensure your business success. Second, hard work is the foundation toward developing a solid business model. Dedication and commitment are needed to ensure performance in the crowded business environment. Providing a quality product is not possible without the foundation. The last and I believe the most important lesson I brought with me from the Marine Corps was that nothing is as vital to success as high personal and professional morals and ethics. Without this standard success will soon slip from your group. Success in the business world is a challenge but possible following the principals acquired over a lifetime of military experience.'”

Terry Ebbert - T J Ebbert and Associates

“Military service has made me a better business owner because it has instilled in me that everything needs to be thorough, precise and done in a timely fashion. Being disciplined in getting tasks done efficiently and to be a team player.”

antone Nielsen - T. Nielsen Environmental

“Team work.”

Rboert Sanders - T.J. Reliable Handyman, Inc

“I am able to plan, prioritize and execute a plan while ensuring all resources necessary are available!”

Tamasine Wood-Creighton - Tamasines Camo Green

“Military service has prepared me to be a better owner because it made me detail oriented. It also helped me with my organization skills. I learned that organization plays a vital role on order in your business.”

Juan Davis - Tandem Productions LLC

“My Military experience has taught me the value of commitment, character, and discipline. I apply these attributes to the way that I live my life and the way that I manage my business.”

William Cobb - Targeted Tactics, LLC

“Work/life balance is key to a rich fulfilled life. Just the same as having R&R in the military it is important to have R&R in your civilian life.”

Stephen Tanzer - TBS Travel

“Discipline, plain and simple.”

Kirt Anderson - TEC Trainer, LLC

“Work ethic.”

Ronald Woodfin - TetraTek, Inc.

“My military service made me realize that the only limits on my success were the ones I allowed.”

Brian Fletcher - The Fletcher Law Firm PLLC

“The Marines instill self-respect, loyalty, attention to detail, and well to achieve dreams that may seem unreachable. Usually outnumbered, and trained to complete the mission and never to surrender, I view this poor economy as a strength, not a weakness, but to build on, and improve organizational operations to assure the highest customer service to accomplish company goals.”

Jerry Holmes - The Iowa Trim House

“I worked in Finance and Accounting, it helped me in communicating with people.”

Veniva Paul - The Jamaican Herbalist, LLC

“The two owners of the firm are both in the Army Reserves. We both deployed to Iraq. We are now at the same Army Unit. Michael Chen is a 1LT (O2) in the JAG Corp. He just received his commission. He was a SSG (E6) prior to getting commissioned. Rex Tran is a SFC (E7). The military service gave us both the will and drive to own our own business. It helped give us the confidence, patience and the ability to pay attention to the details necessary to build a business.”

Rex Tran - The Law Offices of Chen & Tran

“I am able to improvise and adapt to changes in the marketplace faster than our competitors. Also, I consider those working for our organization to be our most valuable assets.”

Mark Moore - The MEP Group Inc.

“I credit my military service with providing me all of my computer skills and education. Additionally, it gave me the discipline and self motivation to make myself a better person to reflect well on my fellow soldiers and veterans.”

Angela Tourner - The Pink Padlock

“Discipline, quality service, commitment, dedication, leadership, management.”

Perry Lamy - 1-800-GOT-JUNK? - Dallas

“Focus on the task at hand.”

Scott Herrmann - ABQ House Detectives LLC

“The military discipline, policies and procedures helped me to be a better entrepreneur. Order, responsibility and commitment are keys to a successful business. PLDC (leadership training) helped me prepare to be a better boss as well. I was trained in the Army to be a mechanic, which was my career goal since grade school. Also included in my AIT (mechanic school) was an annex on recovery that peaked my interest as well as gave me a good idea what proper vehicle recovery was all about.”

Kim Ford - Bad Girl Towing

“My active duty service taught me responsibility and to never back down. The economy is tough and so are those of us who served our Country. We will survive!”

Guy Hansen - A-W Engineering Co., Inc.

“Trained me to supervise, multi task. It taught me that nothing in business is static and you need to be able to accept change.”

Ro Saxon - Legal Nurse Consulting of America LLC

“Maturity, organizational skills, meeting deadlines, how to work with persons from any background.”

Benjamin Pogany - Pogany Construction, LLC

“Credibility, structure, discipline.”

Cary Vea - Polytron Corporation

“It helped prepare me to be able to deal with the unexpected situations and events that occurred outside of my planned strategy and how to react accordingly.”

Tony Whetstine - Poway Samurai Martial Arts

“Honor, courage, and commitment are the Corp Values that make the Bedrock of Character for each of us at Praetorian Group. The Marine Corp instilled these values and pride. We have been deployed to the Middle East on several tours of duty and our assignments forwarded the cause as well as our experience. Our organization has developed using this experience and training resulting in an excellent performance record and adherence to an established Business Organization Plan.”

Quentin Goins - Praetorian Group and Associates LLC

“I have had served over 23 years in the United States Marine Corp, developed strong business ethics and discipline, and experienced working with many people from all walks of life.”

Richard DeVasto - LegalShield Independent Associate - Richard R. De Vasto

“Command position.”

W Creighten Cornett - LegalShield Independent Associate - Creighten Cornett

“It taught me that we all need each other. It matters not where the other guy is from, or where he went to school, or what his occupation is; as long as we're firing in the same direction, we have each others back.”

Will Taylor - Precious Home Care Services

“Taught me discipline.”

Robert Abplanalp - Premier Carports

“Taught me meaning of responsibility. Do the best you can do. Finish the job in a timely manner.”

Phillip Priebe - Priebe Construction

“The integrity, honesty, and pride that serving eight years in the Marines instilled in me shows through in every one of Pember Constructions' projects.”

John Pember - Pember Construction, LLC

“It taught me that you must be committed to a duty to fulfill properly. Also to know you have what it takes to be a winner. How to respect others and always treat them fairly. Responsibility also means others are counting on you to do what you say.”

james c contarino sr - Pepsipainters+

“The skills that my partner & learned in the Marines & Air Force, with regard to assessment, planning & follow-through have all played an important part in the development of our business plan and implementation thereof.”

Edward Treanor - Problem Solver GPS Solutions

“Organization, time management and leadership.”

Ed Pullen - Pullen Construction Services

“The discipline and commitment learned while in the service has been a great influence on my personal life and career paths. The attention to detail and responsibility I learned during my active duty tours has greatly helped me to focus and prioritize my agendas and duties.”

Christopher Gambill - Qwiksharp

“The technical and leadership training has certainly helped me a great idea, but the idea that you set goals and don't give up on a well thought out plan is probably the most important asset the military has provided me.”

Lee Shaffer - Southern Investigative Services

“I am a much more responsible, driven, & motivated entrepreneur who knows what to do to get the job done & understands the effort needed to see opportunities & investments through to the end. I help my clients also see the same opportunities & keep them in business. Staying within budget is very important & I help my clients make the most of what they can spend & the discipline to stay on their course of action no matter what the situation. If we must change, we adapt & overcome the obstacles”

Philip Gattuso - Southern Property Group, LLC

“For me it was the discipline to start true to course. It allowed me to become comfortable with stressful conditions and working with all types of people. The military personal and commitment to brothers in arms is something only a veteran and his family can understand. Whether you are WW1 or Desert Storm Veteran, we stand together in brotherhood.”

jack coovert - Southwest Refrigeration and Air Services

“Take care of the soldier next to you and hopefully you'll see the glorious sun rise," is a quote from one of my platoon sergeants in Iraq. Out of uniform I will support our troops so they too may see the glorious sun rise.”

Skip Spoerke - Special Kindness In Packages, Inc.

“Being in the U.S. Army taught me Business Structure. I has taught me how to carry out orders and go beyond the expected in bringing back results. Being part of the military family taught me the importance of communication ans structure. It also taught my son the importance of military life. He is currently serving in the US MARINE CORPS. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve your company and bring success to your endeavors.”

George Epps - Stars and Stripes Technologies

“My service has provided me with leadership skills, dedication, and has provided me with the morals that go far beyond the Army.”

Jason Stephenson - Stephenson Painting

“Military Service teaches discipline, dedication, and professionalism. It teaches accountability, follow-through, attention to detail, and the value of education and training. As a result of my military service, I provided management and supervision to very large organizations and groups. I also obtained advanced education. Lastly, as a senior military officer, I obtained extensive experience in dealing with National, International, and other government officials.”

Sherrie Aly - Strategic Solutions and Analysis, LLC

“The military taught me discipline, courage & strength. It strengthened the qualities that I already had & just made me a better person in general. From all the traveling I guess you could say I am more cultured as well.”

Sandra Atkinson - Stress Busters Massage Therapy

“The United States military is the most effective organization to teach discipline, leadership, and perseverance. These skills and mental attitudes are teachable and transferable to any other organization.”

Jerrold Strong - Strong Consulting

“Being in the service gave me inner strength to weather the changing environment of business ownership. It also gave me leadership skills to help direct my business in the way I want it to go.”

Paul Walsh - Superior Executive Transportation

“The military instilled in me the pride in a job well-done and an attention to detail that in my business is a must.”

Henry Niemiec - Sure Strike Guide Service and Boat Detailing

“Strong Networking Abilities.”

Andre Tetrault - SW FL Biometrics

“Military service taught us how to lead, teach, make decisions, be accountable. These qualities add up to success as a business owner.”

Robert Mixon - Level Five Associates, LLC

“Running a business is an everyday challenge and I have learned that it could be worse. So let's all appreciate what we have and not waste our time.”

Tony Blanca - Lightning Bug Electric

“The military taught me leadership, teamwork, responsibility, and to be calm and think clearly under any adverse situations.”

Virgil Burton - Ligriv Technology, Inc.

“Self discipline, dedication, proper planning, & follow through.”

Kevin Wallis - Dreamscapes Paving, L.L.C.

“Most of all, military taught me persistence, dedication and integrity which has been quite beneficial in pursuing my dreams as a successful business owner.”

Donnie Savage - DRS Services, Inc.

“Taught me leadership, accountability and discipline for maximizing the use of my time.”

Alan Duff - Duff Consulting, LLC

“The warrior ethos which emphasizes "mission first" and the military traditions of integrity and discipline have made me a better person. The ability to prioritize and utilize risk assessment in even the smallest of tasks ensures that I always operate in a productive and safe manner. The same motivation that makes a good soldier makes a good business owner.”

Michael Caldwell - Veteran Property Maintenance

“The military taught me to work hard.”

Timothy Boson, Jr - Veteran's Landscaping & Lawns

“As chairman of the board, Veterans Fellowship Association, military duty in the Armed Forces Radio & Television Service taught me the values of conferencing and brainstorming any and every project. We were all strangers, yet we were brothers, family members now and forever. I am now 70 years old and "retired" but busier than ever with community affairs, just like everyone else in the VFA nationwide. We get more done behind the scenes than you can imagine. Thank you for your services.”

Richard J. Fields - Veterans Fellowship Association

“Disciplined planning and performance abilities have increased.”

Michael Page II - VETLogistics

“The Patriotism motivated me to go into my own business as Paul "The Flag Man" Bramson.”

Paul Bramson - V.E.T.S. - Ventura

“As a daughter/niece/sister of military service members I am punctual and goal driven. I was raised on many Air Bases throughout the US and remember the pride displayed for our country at 5pm everyday when service members saluted the flag. Thanks!”

Valencia Peterson - VIP Office Cleaners

“Military service has given me the ability to achieve tasks in a precise manner. This is crucial for intricate electronic designs. Always, Attention to detail. Do things right the first time. It always makes the difference!”

Jim Schaller - Virtual Extrusion Inc

“Discipline, organization, attention to detail and drive.”

John Pillo - Weiss Medical, Inc.

“Leadership skills, and the ability to organize and plan toward a given objective have been very valuable. Business is an ever-changing environment, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions while not loosing site of the goal keeps our business moving forward.”

Keith Hughes - West Seattle Natural Energy, LLC

“In all aspects of organization, and attention to detail. My service in the United States Army had a hand in my commitment philosophy which now follows me in business. I am committed to best in class customer service to our clients.”

Perry-Nicholas Isch - Wishworks Media

“I have the drive to succeed in making my own business work.”

jason jimenez - Wooden Spoon Catering

“Taught me how to lead.”

lloyd hickerson - World Express Courier

“Military service prepares an individual by instilling organizational skills and the good old American work ethic.”

Phil Young - Young & Bertke Air Systems

“Experience and discipline!”

Mike Penhallegon - PCM Precison Government Sales

“It made me aware of the need to document everything and follow orders and requirements to the letter.”

Don Downey - PD Associates

“Serving in the Army for 9 years gave me the confidence,patience,integrity and respectfulness to start my own company. There are 3 things in my life I am grateful for. Meeting my wonderful wife, being a proud father and joining the US Armed Forces.”

Darryl Jackson - Pearl Acquisitions Group, Inc

“By teaching me great leadership and people skills. Also, achieving a great work ethic.”

Bruce Price - Price Health Insurance

“My years of service in Special Forces gave me the background to be a disciplined, detail oriented, team focused contractor. My work ethic is hands on until the customer is completely satisfied. In the military you learn failure is not an option.”

Daniel Ross - Pro Paint/Glass and Home Improvements

“Navy core values of honor, courage and commitment are a daily part of my business.”

Troy Olson - TNT Home Builders

“My military service prepared me for hard work and to take advantage of opportunities provided. It also taught me how to network and most importantly it taught me about honesty, respect, integrity and spirit. My military career prepared me for my business adventure.”

Jeanette Sperry-Lyman - Titan Shred

“Military prepared me by teaching me leadership skills. This allows me to get jobs completed fast and keep cost low.”

Timothy Davis - Timothy L. Davis Land Surveyor

“My military services has given me the discipline to do whatever I put my mind to.”

Shane Lee - Time for Taxes, LLC

“Aviation Electronics Technician training gave me the foundation needed to become a UPS specialist.”

william martin - Maxwell Electric Inc.

“To be truthful, prompt and dedicated.”

TONY DELLINCARPINI - Thompson Press Inc.

“Working in a company, battalion, and brigade the military has taught me to deal with a wide variety of personalities, problems, and issues. The military has taught me to know when to react immediately and when to hold back and wait for the smoke to clear. Mostly, it has taught me to persevere in the face of tough economic times.”

Garrett Thompson - Thompson Family Chiropractic

“Leadership and commitment!”

D. Michael Johnson - ThermaCor, Inc

“My military service taught me that no matter how hard things seem, you can always get more out of yourself.”

Aaron Broglin - The Trumbull Group L.L.C.

“Standard operating procedure, or SOP, is a term widely understood by those who have served in the armed forces. SOP refers to a step-by-step method for how a mission or function will be carried out and Veterans understand the importance of implementing and following SOP for a task to be executed and the mission completed successfully. This systematic approach sounds very similar to the business model, and is why more and more veterans are becoming better business owners/entrepreneurs.”

Andrew Sutton - The Sutton Connection


Charles Baker - The Poison Ivy Soap Co

“Discipline and organizational skills. As an installation Postal Inspector I worked with Federal Regulations. Learning to interpret and apply Federal regs has helped in obtaining Federal Contracts.”

Diane Fenske Joyner - 1st Eagle Associates LLC

“Makes me work harder for me and my family, I am always prompt.”

william fischer - Handyman Services of Chittenden Co.

“The ARMY prepared me to stay disciplined under stress; it has also taught me to set goals and stick to them.”

Eli Crandall - Hand in Hand Services

“Training and pride in my work. Work ethic and not afraid of long hours.”

Paul Hackworth - Hackworth Fire & Security

“I was drafted for military service while serving in Thailand as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I enlisted on the deferred entry program so I could choose my MOS. I was an MP in the US Army. I was given opportunities to further my education and when discharged worked as a civilian for the DOD for 38 years. Upon retirement I have been escorting small group tours to Thailand.”

Lee Porter - H2T3 Tours, L.L.C.

“Derek A. Porter, Certified CREIA Inspector, Former USMC D.I. MAI, PMI, Engineer, and Iraqi Freedom Veteran.”

Derek Porter - American Dream Property Inspection Service

“Taught me that there is only self made limitations.”

Frederick Weisbrod - American Resources Unlimited, Inc

“My military service disciplined me to always commit myself to the highest quality in all things, to be loyal, be honest and be a self-starter.”

Martha Macias-Alexander - Martha Macias-Alexander

“I have served in two branches of the military - Navy Seabees Construction Engineering Unit and Army National Guard with deployment to Iraq. The military has taught me better attention to detail, the ability to communicate with different types of people, and to adapt and overcome challenges.”

David Werdelin - Around the House LLC

“Equip me with discipline.”

Carl Willoughby - Cold Laser Therapy RX

“Being a Navy Diver, I learned attention to detail, teamwork and discipline.”

Wally Knifley - Combat Termite Specialist

“I have learned to be organized and proactive rather than reactive. Listening rather than speaking. Sticking to decisions. Being brief and to the point.”

Laura Pierce - Comfort Keepers - Fairfax Virginia

“Attention to detail!”

Henry Bockman - Commercial Restorations

“Honorable service in our military teaches the importance of team work, discipline, and dedication.”

Dennis Santo - Concerts For Troops, Inc

“With the discipline and leadership skills i am better prepared.”

Robert Hatler - Kentuckiana Creations LLC

“My military service taught me to put a focus on: Continuous Process and Cost Improvement, Relationship Management, Contract Administration, Process Re-engineering, Change management and Technology Solutions.”

JD Chamberlain - Consult JDC

“Military discipline helps anyone who has experienced it.”

Kenneth Richter - D & R Technical Solutions, Inc.

“My leadership and dedication, coupled with my work habits have made me a better business owner.”

Darrin Skinner - D C Skinner Painting & Contracting


Anthony G. Moretto - Daddio's OnPoint Auto Repair, LLC

“The military service has prepared as an business owner first the discipline of during your job and maintain it through the end. Second Commitment, to commit to the task.Committing to training and assisting soldiers in career development. Third Leadership the untiring dedication to solders. Communication communicating with your immediate superiors and subordinates.”

Larry Dallas - Dallas Landscaping, Inc.

“As a United States Air Force Security Policeman he was charged with protecting government personnel, assets and information essential to national security. He served and trained in various capacities including; Missile Security, Convoy Actions, Capture and Recovery of Nuclear Weapons, Air Base Ground Defense, Emergency Services Team and Infantry.After leaving the military he served in various capacities in the private sector: Background Investigator, Pre-Employment Screener, Audits and Inspections, Specialized Training Instructor and Account Manager for various levels of security stemming from Security Guards to Close Protection Specialists.”

Damon Finch - Damon Finch Power Sessions

“We assist Veterans in Augusta, GA and the CSRA with VA Claims, Transportation to doctor app at VA Medical Centers.”

George Chapman - DAV Augusta Georgia Pendleton King Chapter # 10

“Technical training and being attention to detail as well as teamwork learned while in the service have helped me greatly.”

Robert Pagliaroli - Dataman Backup

“Learned flexibility and work ethic, coupled with a pride of service to the United States of America.”

Douglas Creighton - DC Services

“Helped with being a leader.”

David Lee Cahow - DC Star Security Agency Inc.

“It taught me how to deal with people and understand that everyone has needs and to flexible.”

GARRY DELONG - Delong Plumbing Heating and Air

“Gave me my independence, taught me responsibility.”

Leah Brunson - Dependable Reliable Nursing Service

“My time in the Air Force during the years of the Vietnam War contributed to a wider perspective on politics, policy and life and gave me an appreciation for life. Add to this, a sense of discipline, team work, leadership skills and determination - all requirements for growth and success.”

Linda DiMario - DiMario & Associates

“The Army instilling leadership values, a "can do attitude", thought me to never quit, strong work ethics, and to always do the right thing.”

Robert Hurst - DISVETS Telecom & Data Solutions, LLC

“At 18, I joined the USAF. I have always been very disciplined, am a hard worker, and have a strong sense of doing a job well. The USAF and I got along very well. After leaving the USAF, I developed a career in sales and operations management. I would not trade my time serving my country for any amount of money. I am proud to be a veteran - my service to my country was a cornerstone in my life. Thank you.”

Richard "DICK" Christopher - DIX Auto Detailing

“Military service prepared me to enter the working world and build my own business by teaching me strong work ethic, determination and excellence in service standards.”

David Chaich - DKM Appliance Services

“My time in the US Army taught me the importance of establishing a formal process and working to improve that process. This principle elevated my value in my IBM Career and provided the leverage necessary to make my company successful.”

Steve Dolbow - Dolbow & Company

“Discipline primarily!”

Dan Kohnke - Advanced Integrated Technologies, LLC

“Discipline and training pays rewards.”


“After experiencing two deployments, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity we have in America to do whatever we envision.”

Matt Edwards - Ad Astra Oil Corporation

“Mainly, organization, preparation, execution, and confidence.”

James Harris - C&J Shredding Co.

“In business as in the military, team work is essential to day-to-day operations. With the right team amazing things can happen and you learn there are always solutions, opportunities and adaptations to any situation. Strategy and planning will help win on the battle field and in the business world.”

Claude A. (Art) Harden - Calibre Engineering, Inc

“Get things done and push comp out of business I.E. destroy the enemy.”

Ralph Sigler - Carolina Packaging

“Integrity, Responsibility, Respect, Providing Quality Service.”

michael w. carruthers - Carruthers Construction & Safety Company Inc.

“Learned to never say no or never say die. Instilled a great work ethic and helped me mature.”

JAMES HALSTEAD - Battlecat Marine and Sound Mind AVC

“I was the Training NCO for my medical unit. I learned how on communicate effectively to the Command Staff and the Enlisted. I learned how to work with all types of people, young and old, rich and poor, and of any race. I learn to respect people for the work that they do, not what they say. Most of all, I learned how to work for and with a team. Byron Stallworth Ret. NCO US Army Reserves CEO, Bear Global”

Byron Stallworth - Bear Global

“It has helped me learn how to listen to my customer's needs. I am very detail oriented due to my service in the military as well as I can know communicate with every race, religion, and attitudes given by individuals. I am proud to have served my country.”

CeCe Houston-Ellis - Beauty On Display

“As a woman-owned and veteran-owned company, I would be very open to hearing a bout opportunities in our state and others. I believe it is important to work with other veteran organizations - supporting our troops, both current, future and retired.”

Barbara Davis - BKN Supply

“Serving during the war (Vietnam), one learns the importance of discipline to be able to follow through and complete your mission. Along the way, one learns the necessity of relying on and helping your buddies to obtain the best possible result for the greater good. For this reason, I have always pursued ventures that I believe will offer the greatest benefit to the people we serve never forget the sacrifices that we all made.”

Gary Nakamura - Blue Water Ventures Inc


Hardy Stone - BluePoint Productions

“Serving our country has given me a positive outlook on serving others. There are people that need us; some more than others. When you serve in the military it instills the desire to go above and beyond the call of duty always for excellence in service to all that have a need. There is no greater honor than to server our country and fellow man.”

Loretta Bruner - Body Essence Massage

“The leadership skills and decision making action (the value of action over inaction) have allowed me to apply my skills to running a successful organization.”

Rob Martens - Bold Alternatives

“It taught me the value of the human element and teamwork and duty.”

Rodney Bolles - Bolles Investment Group

“Focus, Experience, World View, and Contract Negotiations.”

Gary Harber - Broadband Technology Corp

“The discipline and organization skills every veteran receives while in the service can only help in establishing a well-run and efficient enterprise.”

Bruce McKinnon - Bruce McKinnon LLC

“Discipline, confidence, & drive.”

Daniel DiMento - Buena Vista Landscaping

“It has given me the personal skills to stay the course and succeed.”

Harry LeBoeuf - Bull Financial, LLC

“Military discipline!”

Brad Price -

“Discipline and organization!”

Ron Vice - Semper Fi Lawn Care and Snow Removal

“Taught me to strive for my goals. Taught me discipline, and respect towards others.”

Thomas Snell - Shiny Paws Moble Pet Grooming

“My time in the United States Army taught me self discipline, respect and love for country.”

Gary Toth - Shirley Foods Inc

“20 years of service in the United States Armed Services has greatly enhanced an appreciation for teamwork, attention to detail, and a sense of respect for those above and below me. Failure is never an option, yet sometimes necessary to address. 20 years serving The United States encouraged me to take advantage of the great opportunities available by the very nation I was defending.”

Thomas Monin - Kentucky Professional Land Services, Inc.

“When serving as an Airborne Ranger with the Army's 75th Ranger Regiment, I sustained a line-of-duty knee injury during a parachute mission. I had to work every day to rehabilitate my knee; however, the injury ultimately caused my medical discharge from the Army. I, more than most other personal injury lawyers, understand how it feels to suffer from and overcome a life-changing injury. I can relate to my clients, and I can better present my injured clients to juries.”

Timothy Nies - Van Riper and Nies Attorneys, P.A.

“Wife is co-owner and she is the veteran.”

Stephen Brooks - Killeen Fence Company

“Military service gave me the focus I needed to be a better person.”

Anthony Augusta - Enhancement Housing Corporation

“Training in leadership, management, goals setting and results orientation style.”

Eugene Klein - Enlightenment Inc

“During my first wes-pac in 1984 on the USS Robinson DDG-12 I was sent to the galley to cook for 6 weeks. Seeing my shipmate’s everyday excited to eat everything I placed on their tray. Made me realize how much I loved to give great food to people. I had always worked in the business but never wanted to just cook the same stuff that everyone else had. At 45 I decided to open my first shop "Hot Dawgs" in Grove City OH and never looked back. America is all about looking at what you want and making happen.”

Ken Jewell - Hot Dawgs!

“After Vietnam and tour in Germany, attended Advance Course at Ft. Sill followed by Master's Degree in IT from Georgia Tech. Then returned to West Point as Mathematics Instructor and later acted as Project manager for $10M procurement replacing all academy hardware and software. This was the beginning of many opportunities to provide guidance and insight while learning about various computer technology solutions and problems.”

Michael Cox - Information Integration Innovation & Associates Inc.

“Military service provided the training that is needed to be more disciplined and dedicated to continuing better operations of tasks, whether that is a business or a job that needs completing.”

Gene Barrett - Ingersoll Consulting Information Solutions (ICIS)

“Paying attention to detail, following through to finish the job and the fortitude to accept the good, bad and ugly without flinching.”

Jeffrey Helstrom - Innovative Management Services, LLC

“Allowed me to have control over everything, and push it to be successful!”

Jack Liberi - Innovative Security

“The two most important traits that I developed while serving in the Navy were: 1. Attention to detail, and 2. Tenacity. Without these two traits, I would have never been able to open my own business.”

John Crews - Intelligent Information Publishing

“My military service was unquestionably the most important step I took on my pathway to founding a highly successful and professional company. The more important elements that I learned during my military career have to do with Ethics, Ethos, Accountability, Initiative, a Zero tolerance for failure and a high level of organizational and situational awareness skills that I can honestly say places myself and Intrawork above ALL the rest.”

Scott Bruno - Intrawork

“Proud of what I do for charter clients. Trainable and can learn new things everyday. Commitment to finish the mission.”

Jeff Lyons - Island Time Charters

“Integrity, work ethic, timeliness, efficiency.”

Austin West - IT Veterans, LLC

“Military service enabled me to attend college and obtain advanced degrees which enabled me to work for some of the largest businesses in America including Microsoft. Also the discipline and challenges that I learned at an early age in the military helped me be a more disciplined individual who loves a challenge. The interpersonal relationships that are a normal part of military service helped prepare me for meeting and working with people in the business world.”

Joe Bailey - J & S Properties of N.S.B., LLC

“My military service has given me the opportunity to serve my community even after my retirement and shown me how to make it happen.”

John McCabe - J and L Industries

“My military experience prepared me for the dedication required to own and operate my own small business. Without the four years of my life spent in service to my country I would be flipping burgers instead!”

Jason Janes - Janes Surveying, Inc.

“I served in the USAF for 4 years from 1997 to 2001 in Ellsworth AFB, SD. The military helped develop a greater love for this great country. It also taught me to pay close attention to details.”

Kevin Edwards - Integrity Now Insurance Brokers, Inc.

“Leadership and hard work.”

James Green - Integrity Burial Boxes, Ltd.

“Discipline to get the job done with the resources that are available to me.”

william cardoza - Integrated Flooring

“Leadership and discipline.”

Sharon Elshaug - Insightful Solutions, Inc.

“Admiral Rickover arranged an outstanding training program taking people directly out of school and preparing them to operate and maintain nuclear plants. This training and experience has been brought to the civilian nuclear program.”

George Van Wert - ILRT Inc.

“Through discipline and Honor I know that know matter how tough things get I will come through.”

Rocky VonZidkow - VonDari Moto

“My military experience prepared me for all life challenges and obstacles.”

John Koehler - HR Solutions LLC

“I am confident that the organizational, multi-tasking, and leadership skills that I developed with the United States Marine Corps have prepared me for anything-- including operating a small business. Those skills would all be useless, however, without the discipline that makes it all work. Semper Fi!”

Robert Nunley - Home Computing Solutions

“It Can Be Done" Read my book "Totally American" and you will see.”

Dan Smee - Holy Moly Press

“The attention to tedious details and a higher appreciation for service are hallmarks of my time in the Air Force.”

Phillip Holland - Holland Photo Studio

“It has provided me with a solid sense of self confidence as well as training in a variety of areas. I am much more organized and prepared than prior to my military service.”

David Hillary - Hillary CPA Group

“Gave me project management experience.”

Rudy Garza - Hi Tech Maestro, Inc

“The US Army trained me to use technology to accomplish my objectives on the battlefield. This ideology translates to great business practice by stressing the importance of understanding how you can use technology to streamline and advance business principles, products and ideas. Many of the technologies we use in business today began their life in use in the military. For example, GPS technology is common today, but got its start in the US military.”

Tom Vastano - Healthclick


DICK SHADWELL - Headlite Doctor, Inc

“By giving me the skills, hard work ethic, and sacrifice needed to run your own business.”

Brian Caslin - HCS Executive Town Car Service


Deborah Fuller - HB Retrofit, LLC

“After spending eight years in the Navy I was provided with the knowledge to carry out my work assignments properly. I was also provided with the leadership characteristics that transform into daily business. And the discipline and determination to carry it out.”

Paul Hartung - Hartung Electric

“Being in the military prepared me to be a business owner by teaching me responsibility and integrity. There is great honor being a veteran and I am proud to have served my country. In exchange for my service I received exceptional training and developed a sense of camaraderie that cannot be duplicated.”

Kenneth Ruppert - Happy Home Inspections, Inc.

“Discipline, leadership, management, flexibility, and the ability to take a calculated risk are all skills that I learned during my 10 years in the military. The ability to work with people from all walks of life, integrity, the quest for excellence and the desire to succeed are also important skills I learned while in the military and integral to running a business.”

Lori Hansen - Hansen Hounds

“The military taught me discipline and leadership. These two traits are key to becoming a successful entrepreneur. The Army also taught me to love my country and to truly appreciate this land of opportunity.”

Michael Halbe - Halbe Design and Cabinetry, LLC

“Organization, Management, Leadership, Appearance.”

Ronald P. Moyer - RPM Heating Cooling Plumbing & Electrical


Richard Parker - RRP Consulting Construction & Management, LLC

“My military service prepared me to own and run my business, through leadership, management skills, people skills, and it developed my abilities to analyze, problem solve, develop plans and execute solutions.”

Maria E. River - RTAME Services

“The phrases Professionalism, Ethics, Integrity, Planning and Training, Mission Focus vs Time Sheet Focus, Taking Care of the “Troops”, Attention to Detail and Discipline are all traits and work ethics that the military vigorously strives to instill or enhance within everyone who puts on the uniform, and they serve as remarkable assets when properly applied in the business environment. At RTL Networks we have “sandwiched” Passion and Good Business Practices with the above mentioned Military Work Ethics.”

Richard Lewis - RTL Networks, Inc

“As General Partner, I am responsible for marketing, contracting, finance, taxes, and overall management of this company. My Navy (and Merchant Marine) service afforded me greater self-confidence, plus motivational and leadership opportunities,”

Taylor JESSE Clear - Rubber Mulch Is Us LLC

“Military service showed me how to assist others in accomplishing their mission.”

Nick Ryan - Ryan Design Group

“Military service provides a camaraderie that acts as an enticement for veterans to do business with other veterans.”

Gary Bates - S&P Solutions, Inc.

“The Marines have taught me how to adapt and overcome insurmountable odds. In today's economy businesses are struggling and it takes an untiring devotion to meet objectives to survive regardless of the obstacles which is what was preached to me on a daily basis during my glory years in the Marines. Once a Marine always a Marine regardless of the mission. In addition we worked as a team which is absolutely necessary in any business that is going to continue to climb the ladder of success.”

Santo Vitrano - S.M.V. Business Services LLC

“I feel that if it was not for my service in the ARMY I would of never received needed funds to purse my college education and would never been able too start a company or the discipline with the can do attitude I learned while in the ARMY.”

Todd Martin - Safety Tech Inc

“Discipline, hard work, and leadership skills.”

Michael Tranchina - Salon LaBrea

“I learned things like self discipline, patience, and perseverance during my time in the Marine Corps. Loyalty has become essential in my business and personal dealings. As I am 50% disabled I have also learned resilience and that as long as you are hanging in, there is hope.”

Michael Baker - SCI Solutions LLC

“Military life helped shape my life go better serve my customers.”

chuck Brokhoff - Scrubs Mobile Auto Spa LLC

“Taught leadership and management skills while providing unique experience and qualifications.”

George Gennin - SDS International

“I have incorporated the skills learned in the service with my knowledge of technology to create, develop and patent a First Alert, Physical Security and Notification system complete with report capabilities. This combination has enabled us to deliver needs asked for by Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology (DHS S&T) that can be used by many people, government, education and industry groups.”

Carl Fitzsimmons - Seamless Communications Group

“My time in the corp has laid the foundation for who I am as business attention to detail is pounded into a marine since day one!”

tyrone sebasky - Sebasky Painting

“The military has offered extensive real-life experience that helps tremendously when facing the day to day operations of a business. It provided great leadership honing opportunities, working under pressure frequently and learning how to effectively handle the situation with invaluable experience.”

Carlos Cardenas - Semper Wi-Fi

“Provided a broad base of management experience and levels of responsibility.”

John Frederiksen - Senior Scene Magazine

“Marine Corp. Discipline.”

Randy Bathemess - Sentinel Systems LLC

“My military service has provided me with a profound respect for all veterans as well the country we served. The team work you experience on a daily basis is comparable to professional sports. I was able to bring this team mentally to my industry. This allowed open communication with my customers as well as other professionals in the cleaning industry. My business has greatly benefited from the "TEAM" mentality fostered by the military.”

Shawn Nachurski - Shawn's Cleaning Service LLC

“Leadership training.”

Thomas Shambo - Shambo & Associates, LLC


adrian kirby - Shapes Inc.

“Discipline. Trading and portfolio management is much like close order drill, rifle range, and real combat. Close order drill with a rifle has a purpose: to instill instant response to orders. It's a lot like the process of developing a decision-making systems for investment management. You learn the drills, you practice firing it down the range, but what you do in the heat of the battle is all that matters. Investment managers with an edge are trigger-pullers. We are able to execute, discipline.”

Mike Shell - Shell Capital Management, LLC

“A big part of my life history is that I had the rewarding experience of serving in the military (Army) for 12 years, which has helped me connect with individuals from all diversities and walks of life in my practice. I aim to help individuals create a balanced life of overall wellness, through Massage Therapy and Wellness and Lifestyle Coaching.”

Keveyonna Davis - Massage Therapeutics, LLC

“Leadership, Confidence, Willing to do whatever it takes!”

Josh Wakeland - ie Graphics

“My military experience gave me the leadership skills to forge forward with strength, honor and integrity. It provided me the strong ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems under pressure with very sensitive timelines. I loved serving my country in the U.S. Navy and recommend hiring or working with veterans. You KNOW you can count on a vet to “DO IT RIGHT” the first time!”

Ben Hirsch - IN-HOUSE REALTY 360

“Taught me how to be accountable.”

Tom O'Reilly - Insurance Quotes Chicago

“I learned discipline, focus, grit, compassion, empathy, and servant leadership. I was immersed into the neuroscience of adult learning through PME (professional military education) as both a student and trainer. My exposure to the amazing diversity of humanity and the plight of the "under dog" continues to influence how I treat others. I learned the cost of freedom and the importance of preserving it. God, family, country.”

Dennis Funk - Edifi Training

“It pays to be a winner.”

Robert Showalter - Showalter Construction LLC

“My Marine Corp career helped me become a leader of not only troops but to be able to make decisions on the spot and never second guess myself. The military trains individuals to get things done not alone but as a team and get the job or task completed as one, which is needed in any business setting.”

Anthony Bowers - Taylor Made Enterprises, LLC

“Learning to drive and work hard and be the best has taught me to be the best and always strive to be the best. We even live by our own version of the ARMY values here at Techwarrior Computer Service.”

Roderick Rotzien - Techwarrior Technologies LLC

“Both owners are veterans (Marine Corp and US Air Force). The military provided the leadership tools, discipline and motivation to establish a successful enterprise.”

Scott Schissler - TechTroop, Inc.

“Responsibility and Managerial duties, working with people to accomplish many scheduled and unscheduled missions helps you become a excellent multi-tasker. Learning to work smarter and not always harder to accomplish assigned tasks on time. Training and leadership provided at phases of learning and educating the mind to be responsible for enormous workloads at a moments notice helps you relate to the business world.”

Mike Williams - Telmek LLC

“Through serving in the U.S. Army as a Military Policeman and then a Military Police Investigator (MPI), I learned the value of honesty and integrity. The MP's creed is "To Protect and Serve". This short but powerful phrase along with the basic values on honesty and integrity have translated into a business in which we're able to help financial advisors, doctors, realtors, & most professionals with their marketing campaigns by serving them with honesty, respect and integrity.”

David Chasse - The Birthday Company

“All Heart Home Care is a Veteran owned senior home care agency owned and operated by Eric Barth who formerly served in the United States Air Force. I proudly served my country and now with dedication & compassion I aid seniors and fellow Veterans in receiving the best home care services San Diego has to offer. I recruit the most trusted caregivers in the Greater San Diego area. To my fellow Veterans, I thank you for your service. For quality senior home care needs, call All Heart Home Care at 619-736-4677.”

Eric Barth - All Heart Home Care

“My time as an officer in United States Naval Reserve, during the Vietnam era, embedded in me the attributes of leadership, honor, loyalty, integrity, and discipline, which have been invaluable assets in my professional as well as my personal life.”

Joseph Del Campo - The Excalibur Group

“Discipline, sense of duty, dedication to the job, larger view of life and the world, recognizing needs, prepared to help others and work as team.”

Fritz Strehlow - The Mentor Group

“Don Stallard retired from the U.S. Air Force Reserves as a Lieutenant Colonel. His most recent positions were Deputy Commander of Resources and Squadron Commander for airlift forces at Rickenbacker ANGB, Ohio and Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. He also served 5 years on active duty in the Air Force as a jet pilot and is a decorated Vietnam veteran. His entrepreneurial spirit emerged in 1984 when he applied his military background and business experience with the founding of The Reserves Network.”

Don Stallard - The Reserves Network

“My 20yrs served in the US Marine Corps helped me to honed my personal skills as a person. My determination, drive and confidence in self has been fine tuned to overcome difficulties in stressful situation. My 3 combat tours during Operation Iraqi Freedom shift my perspective on the world and made me appreciate home more. I push all this into this business to bring an honest and fair practice to logistical operation.”

Quentin Brown - Move Your Freight Logistics


Russell Weisse - DustyDiamond Enterprise

“Gained confidence to achieve on my own and follow up on everything to accomplish the mission.”

Eric Dufault - DuFFer Sports

“Military service has prepared my husband to perform exceptional service above and beyond what is required of him in the business community. The military prepared him to listen to his customer base, think through what needs to be done and then find a way to accomplish the project at hand.”

charles spear II - DUCTZ of Fredericksburg

“Helped me learn how to multi-task, prioritize requirements, and manage staff.”

Nicole Pennell - Dogtopia of Charlotte

“Serving in the military granted me the skills and desires to create and dedicate Deseret Enterprises to be of service to other small business owners. It is all about the camaraderie between small business owners.”

Ami Frederick - Deseret Enterprises

“The service taught me to get to work early, stay late, and work hard in-between!”

David Hadley - db Hadley & Associates, LLC

“The army gave me the skills to be a leader and to help others. Therefore giving me the confidence to start a business.”

William Dobson - D&P Bio-Haz

“Through Army career gain education, computer training, leadership and training in "train and sustain", organization goals.”

ARMANDO LEOS - A & M Leos Real Estate, L.L.C.

“Through discipline and leadership training.”

Raphael Allen - Banyan Tree Project, Inc.

“My military service has greatly increased my work ethic and shown me the importance of integrity. I stand firm on principles and doctrines the military has taught me and how being a previous member of the military has trained me to be accurate and have attention to detail.”

Jeff Stewart - PayCrew Services

“The discipline I experienced while in the military was a major factor in how I deal with many of life's situations. Being a small business owner, that discipline has helped me to keep focused on my goals.”

Geoffrey Norton - A Wellness Place

“Entering the United States Navy at age 18 was one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Boot camp, as scary as it was, taught me humility which was just a way to teach me responsibility. Little by little, I gained the confidence to understand how to make a great leader. Although it has been many years now, I used this in my business handling every single day.”

Ivy Sankowski - A Woman's Place

“Command pilot with over 7000 hours, 1200 in Vietnam in 1968. Taught Computer Science at Air Force Academy for 12 years. During that time I managed two computer centers, lead the acquisition team for the budgeting, specification, bidding, negotiating, awarding, and installing of five major computer systems. Management skills learned during career greatly enhanced my ability to lead civilian enterprises.”

Jerry B. Smith - Tranex Inc

“As an Ensign in the USNR I was assigned to DDG-9 USS Towers as Asst Weps. I was 21 and had a division of 27 men ranging in age from 18 to 49. I grew up quickly and learned how to manage in a crisis... which is the same as managing in non-crisis mode... learned a lot about being squared away and responsibility which has carried me thru life in my business and personal life. I am currently the Commander of the Tigard Community Emergency Response Team with 150 volunteers under me.”

Bruno Amicci - Triad Technology Group

“Attitude that anything is possible, ability to organize, focus and lead. Writing a patrol order/op order = writing a business plan.”

Andrew Kratz - Triangle Rock Club - Morrisville

“Organizing and attention to detail and striving to be better.”

Thomas Buffington - TriSpirit Productions

“Willingness to tackle and task, location, and requirement in order to achieve the goal.”

Dale Church - Triton Electrical Contractors, Inc.

“The discipline and organizational skills instilled in me as a young soldier has influenced every aspect of my life personally and professionally to include the way I run my company and treat my clients.”

Thomas Stamulis - True North Group

“When the going gets tough the tough get going!”

Pablo Fel - True Vision Optical

“Organizational management and attention to detail has helped this company in operations and sales force execution.”

Mark Putiyon - TSI

“Honesty and integrity above all else.”

David Bixler - Twin City Metro Wash, Inc.

“The military gave me the confidence I needed to become a leader and believe in my dreams. I was sure of myself and my abilities after serving my country.”

Jon Butler - Twine Gas and Power, Inc.

“The military instilled more drive and motivation in me to accomplish the things I want.”

Mark Stanley - Twisted Computing

“My Navy experience taught me organizational skills together with the hard work and dedication necessary for ULTIMATE Protection Firearm Academy to be one of the safest, customer friendly CCW training facilities in Michigan; culminating in realizing our community based goal of building a family recreational shooting range.”

Al Polkowski - ULTIMATE Protection Firearm Academy

“I am very dedicated and detail oriented with an emphasis on relationship building. Honesty and integrity coupled with a spirit of resolve.”

John Collins - United Commercial Builders


James Conley - Direct Connect Computer Systems, Inc.

“It taught me organization skills, leadership, and discipline, it gave me a work ethic to never give up.”

Beryl Gosney - Distressed Homesale Institute

“Military service instilled the discipline needed to efficiently operate a customer-oriented business.”

Robert Young - Eagle Veterans Services LLC

“LEADERSHIP - Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Integrity, Personal courage.”

James Nazer - Emery Financial Incorporated

“My time in the Army was spent dealing with challenging issues around the world. We were always short on time, people, and resources. Being able to complete the mission no matter the situation is a skill you can't be taught. Now, I find myself facing challenges and obstacles in the business world. I'm confident that I can get the job done, just like I did in the Army. Plus, now there isn't anyone trying to blow me up.”

Justen Garrity - Garrity Renewables LLC

“My time in the Air Force taught me dedication, a strong work ethic, and relational skills used in business today.”

Scott Geater - Geater Machining and Mfg.

“Maturity, integrity, professionalism, timely.”

Greg Scheer - GC Scheer Inspections & Testing, LLC

“The experience I gained serving in the U S Marine Corps has given me the confidence, leadership abilities, and discipline to successfully operate my business.”

Carmen Pitarra - GC Enterprises, LLC

“Learned how to interact with people.”

John Grodewald - GBSS

“Discipline, focus and follow through.”

Steve Rose - Solar Solutions Unltd.

“I like the discipline, structure and leadership. I enjoy helping people improve their relationship with their dogs. Dog training is fun and exciting everyday, just like the Army.”

Ryan McPherson - Bark Busters Home Dog Training - Alpharetta Georgia

“The discipline and focus I gained in the Army has helped me throughout my life, and it helps me in my business as well.”

William Ashby - Ashby's Crafts and Gifts

“The Army taught me how to work with people.”

Frank Garito - Asbestos Corporation of America

“The Marine corps provided me at a young age the tools, ability and confidence to improvise, adapt and overcome any situation in life, from the tip of the spear to civilian life. Semper Fi!”

Jake Rayl - AT Foam

“My professional goals are simply a continuation of the leadership concepts I developed in my military career. Which is to be so effective in developing individuals, teams, and systems, that any business can thrive because I have developed resourceful leaders. Every day we must deliver results and how we deliver those results makes a difference in our personal and professional success.”

Gabrielle Bernal - GEM Elite Marketing

“My Army training coupled with putting it to good use during 2 deployments has helped me. Also being an NCO.”

Calvin Mister - Blue Collar Management, LLC

“My military service taught me the harsh realities of life. I learned to persevere in difficult circumstances and never give up. I learned to work as a team and rely on others, trust others. Most of all I learned that God is with me even I the most frightening of experiences.”

Albert "Bud" Phillips - Bud Phillips, M.Div., CADCII, NCACII, ICADC, SAP

“The training and the team work.”

Joseph Fisher - Logistical Ground Services, LLC

“The military has prepared me to be a better business owner because of the experience working with many different people. You get a bigger picture of how everything works toward a common goal. Life is like that too.”

Herbert Love - Love's Carpet & Floor Maintenance, LLC

“It is very simple - It taught me hard work - team work - and discipline!”

Frank Myers - Low Voltage Cabling Systems, Inc.

“Discipline & training for inventory & supply control of various products & services.”

Larry Freistein - LS Chemical Services

“Stronger person.”

Mark Merrill - M L Merrill Construction Inc

“To be responsible and make decisions. To be the best.”

Acri Melinda - M.L. Acri, Inc.

“Self-motivation and knowing that failure is not an option.”

Christopher Frederick - Signs For Anything, Inc

“I was a radar-man in the Navy. When we were on operations things always got real tense. These times really taught me how to man up take charge (when applicable) and get things done.”

Dan O'Geary - Signature Design & Manufacturing, Inc.

“I am very diverse because of the military.”

Ruth Bostick - Silvergem Enterprises

“I've learned through life, specifically through growing in a network of Marines and Servicemen... best said by the late Jim Rohn, "Service to many, leads to greatness!" If we find a way to serve the many, we will achieve greatness! That is exciting news when your mission and goal is to help people. My intentions in the Marine Corps at an early age was maybe not as humble as it is now, and the service was on a different playing field, but now in the secular world, my goal is to serve the many!”

Kevin Brassell - SimGym, LLC.

“I was a Nuclear ELT in the Navy. The basic course was given to the top 10% of navy applicants and the attrition rate was about 60%. This program was during the draft program and I have heard they have become more lenient to be able to fill billets.”

Bernard Preisz - Sivirt

“Military services instilled discipline in me and made me realize that I could do anything I put my mind to doing!”

Tamara Rajah - Skip To My Lupus Incorporated

“My military service added order and discipline to my life. Through out my career I have chosen former military for my employees because they consistently posses those same qualities.”

John Grow - SLP Photography

“My four years service in the US Army was instrumental in helping me realize that with the proper attention to detail and planning I could accomplish anything I set out to do.”

Neil Ehrlich - Fighting Fitness

“More organized than the average Joe.”

Joe Foley - International Association of U.S. Government Contractors Houston Chapter

“I am who I am today because of my years on active duty. It takes everything that I've learned leading soldiers to run my own business.”

Tim Higgins - International Minute Press of Western Wayne County

“I have been "honorably" separated from the Army for quite some time now. What the Army did teach me or instilled in me was "leadership". Weathering the hardship. Sharpened my focus and determination to succeed no matter the cost!”

John Daugherty - National Property Inspections- Seabrook

“The military bestowed in me to become what I can no matter the challenges.”

Sarah Nava - Sarah Nava Photography

“Discipline and a drive to do things better have been applied to my grooming business.”

Jeffrey Martinez - Zoom Groom Mobile Pet Spa

“It instilled a sense of pride, ownership, responsibility, respect, and professionalism in what I do. My service also taught me to never give up and always give my all.”

Jason Chan - NC Glass Chips

“Integrity above all else.”

Xavier Eboli - NCS Recovery Corp.

“My experience as a Navy Air Traffic Controller taught me to manage multiple complicated tasks simultaneously.”

J Mark Olsen - Neslo Ventures LLC

“With the discipline to stay focus on finishing what I start, and not accepting no from anyone or anything to block completion of direction to complete determination to see this to come to life. Something most training on a job, or college or family can not provide in one life time, sincere determination, with ability to stay focused on the project while daily conflicts are dealt with ease.”

Steven Fortune - New Home Buildings

“Being a Security Specialist in the Air Force trained me to follow procedures, be disciplined in my actions, to think before acting and how to manage people. Desert Storm taught me, first-hand, what courage and integrity is and what could happen when they are lacking. Honesty, teamwork, integrity, courage - with self and others.”

Jay Kurtz - STL On Line, Inc.

“Facing reality. I can remember when I got to Vietnam, the first thing I saw was a banner that read "Stay Alert, Stay Alive" and then a top Sargent said I know your a little concerned about being killed. "Don't because you'll never hear the one that gets you" 1.) So in the business world I've stayed alert & stayed alive 2.) I don't worry about who is going to do damage to what or whom because 9/10 you never see it coming.”

Edward Burns Sr - Video Suspects, Inc.

“Perseverance. Keep trying until you get it right.”

Dorothy Yates - Global Mobile 1

“As a Navy trainer I learned the value and importance of developing your people to accomplish the mission. This philosophy has carried over into the private sector where this importance translates into revenue performance and profits.”

Stephen Tanzer - Global Performance Strategies LLC

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Map of U.S. and Territories

View By U.S. Territory

  • Guam NEW!
  • Puerto Rico NEW!
  • U.S. Virgin Islands (coming soon)
  • Northern Mariana Islands coming soon)
  • American Samoa (coming soon)