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aVOBa (American Veteran Owned Business Association) helps America's businesses that are proudly owned by our military heroes! aVOBa is the ... |
The Clark County Veterans Assistance Centers (CCVAC) mission is to provide a welcoming and safe environment with the goal of assisting ... |
The Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program offers Honorably Discharged Veterans free, on-campus/virtual instruction in the ... |
Grey Team is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose sole mission is to support active-duty U.S. soldiers and military veterans by ... |
We are a Veteran owned and operated 501(c)3 Nonprofit Ranch, founded to assist Veterans and the community in breaking away from the ... |
Operation Baby is a nonprofit public charity with 501(c)(3) status. Our mission is to help military couples diagnosed with medical ... |
We are faith-based, Kingdom Entrepreneurs. Our Christian business provides hope filled, biblically grounded Spiritual Care, Soul Care, ... |
V.E.T.S. is a non-profit community organization providing a comprehensive holistic approach to helping our veterans have successful ... |
The mission of the Veterans Alternative is to serve Veterans experiencing difficulties related to transition, combat and/or military sexual ... |
Veterans Miracle Center Erie - "All gave some - some gave all." To you, a Veteran of the United States Military, these are not mere words ... |
Veterans Support Group is a 501C3 organization dedicated to providing free assistance to Veterans of all branches of the service with ... |
Athena’s Sisters | Louisville, KY 40206 Athena’s Sisters is an organization for all military women to use revolutionary expressions to grow in dignity and honor. Our members ... |
Camaraderie Rescue Mission Inc | Lakeland, FL 33813 Camaraderie Rescue Mission Inc. is a veteran-founded and veteran-led charitable organization that focuses on providing social and ... |
Dog Tags to Desktops | Factoryville, PA 18440 Dog Tags to Desktops is a career transition service for veterans. We offer assistance in career exploration, resume writing, interview ... |
Dunedin U.S. Military Veterans Advisory Committee | Dunedin, FL 34698 U.S. Military Veterans Advisory Committee is the advisory committee to the City Commission, City Manager, and City staff. The primary ... |
Fani Foundation Organization, Inc | Naples, FL 34116 Fani Foundation Organization, Inc's mission is to provide HIV/AIDS & STDs workshop, education and prevention, free Ultrasound clinic visit ... |
Housing Crisis Center | Dallas, TX 75246 Housing Crisis Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit agency that provides 2 levels of service to the Veterans of Dallas, Texas. Through our Free ... |
JC'S Place | Hueytown, AL 35023 JC'S Place serve homeless veterans with career coaching and housing. |
Passion Purses Inc. | San Antonio, TX 78218 Passion Purses is a 501c3 non profit organization whos' mission is to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming ... |
San Diego Women Veterans Network | La Jolla, CA 92093 The San Diego Women Veterans Network creates belonging and community for women veterans by: 1: Provide opportunities to create ... |
She S.E.R.V.E.D Inc. | Wrens, GA 30833 She S.E.R.V.E.D Inc., is a service driven organization developed to Support, Enhance and Restore Veterans Every Day. Intentionally founded ... |
Talk2Vets | Valrico, FL 33596 Talk2Vets is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization committed to serving those who have served us and our great nation former members of the ... |
The Warrior Connection | Brattleboro, VT 05302 The Warrior Connection (TWC) provides residential retreats and services to Veterans and their families to heal the invisible injuries ... |
Thin Blue Line 4 Women | Bristol, TN 37620 OUR MISSION at Thin Blue Line 4 Women is to connect with women in law enforcement for support, inspiration, and empowerment. We sell Thin ... |
Veterans Affinity | Tempe, AZ 85281 Veterans Affinity is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) and our services are 100 percent FREE. We will assist elderly Veterans apply for VA ... |
Veterans First Foundation | Columbus, OH 43222 The Veterans' Free Clothing Store carries men's and women's clothing, shoes, furniture, and toiletries. These items are available, in ... |
Vets First Life Management | Portsmouth, VA 23703 Vets First Life Management provides supportive housing for homeless Veterans serving the Richmond, VA area. Providing homeless female ... |
Women's Veterans Club of the CSRA | Augusta, GA 30909 Women's Veterans Club of the CSRA is a non-profit female veteran service organization that provides resourceful opportunities to our ... |
Working Wardrobes VetNet | Santa Ana, CA 92706 The Working Wardrobes' VetNet program supports the men, women and families of military veterans and transitioning service members through a ... |