Manufacturers International, Inc.
Veteran Owned Business | Marines Reserves, Separated | Member since June 22nd, 2010
Our Mission Statement
To find YOUR next buyer of the product you manufacture, wherever they may be in this world, with the best terms possible. To find a manufacturer who can manufacture the product YOU are looking for, better than anyone else can, wherever they may be in this world, with the best terms possible.
Our Vision Statement
We will be one the largest, privately-owned manufacturers’ representative, and brokerage house in the world.
Please mention you proudly found Manufacturers International, Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
The Marine Corps has prepared me to be a better business owner (entrepreneur) by creating an environment where situations develop where I have to think fast on my feet, and determine in a timely manner how to accomplish the objective -- come hell or high-water.
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