American Archangels
Veteran Owned Business | Coast Guard, Retired | Member since May 6th, 2010
I served and supported our troops in and around Baghdad, Iraq from early 2004 until late 2007 as a disabled veteran with just under seven years active duty. I had a profound urge to serve our troops after I had to resign and return to the States due to aggravation of my disability. I had noticed that aside from "luxury" items such as Under-Armour® Tactical Heat Gear Shirts ($29.99) and the new Under-Armour® USMC Fire Retardant Shirts ($79.99), the troops on the ground would write letters back to us on the home front asking for everyday items that many people tend to take for granted. Those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan see the following basic "necessities" as a luxury item: baby wipes, power bars, slim jims, Gatorade, socks (black, brown, or green military boot socks) , under wear, t shirts, (Brown, Desert Tan, or OD Green), tuna, insect repellant, prepaid phone cards, stamps, ramen noodle soup, pop tarts.
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