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Blue Crew Realty LLC

Business Address:
177 Fox Glen Dr East
Pickerington, OH 43147
Fairfield County
Business Contact:
Sir Ernest Blue Jr
Contact Blue Crew Realty LLC

Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Separated | Member since February 26th, 2010

In addition to buying and selling real estate Blue Crew Realty LLC also does complete home remodels, to include but not limited to flooring tiling backsplashes, paint, drywall, roofing and home inspections.

Please mention you proudly found Blue Crew Realty LLC on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

As a member of the USAF I was selected to attend NCO Leadership School as an E-4. I was selected as a Stripe For Exceptional Performance Recipient after turning around a office that was devastated by attrition. Having 7 people under me who were on their way out the door, and 7 people just new to the military, I was able to install recognition programs to motivate all members involved resulting in Professional Military Office of the Year Awards.

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