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Helping Veterans Go Fishing

Business Address:
Helping Veterans Go Fishing
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Cook County
Business Contact:
Mr. Joseph Lomalie
Contact Helping Veterans Go Fishing

Non-Profit Organization | Member since April 22nd, 2017

Helping Veterans Go Fishing is a Program to help put fishing gear into veterans hands and get them out fishing. As a Disabled Veteran and a Angler that has Physical and Mental issues from time in service fishing is a great therapy for me. I know if I can bring awareness to my fellow veterans I know it would help them greatly as it does me. The only time I feel comfortable and not so stressed is when I am fishing. Fishing even helps me keep my mind off my pain. So with the help and support from my local VFW post 5220 We started this program. We have our Annual Event every April at VFW Post 5220. Our Mission is getting veterans gear to get our veterans out fishing.

We are accepting donations of New and/or Used Fishing Gear. If you or anyone you know has some old fishing gear you or they don't use anymore please contact us at or Email and/or mail it or drop it off to VFW post 5220 at 9514 S 52nd Ave, Oak Lawn IL 60453 Attn: Helping Veterans Go Fishing...  or mail gear and funds to HVGF at 9213 S 50th Ave. Oak Lawn IL 60453. Our Veterans Would Appreciate Your Help.

Please mention you proudly found Helping Veterans Go Fishing on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

I FISH FOR MY RECOVERY Because to many have been lost to Suicide  Because to many have chosen a path of Destruction by Medication , Self-Mutilation , Drugs & Alcoholism I know because I was ALMOST A STATISTIC You may see a Strong , Arrogant , Cocky Smile on the outside but everything within this man is BROKEN. I FISH TO CHALLENGE MYSELF Because after years of Military Service I found myself alone Because I didn't have a reason to be the best me each day I know because falling within the dark was much easier than FIGHTING You may think being RETIRED at a young age is nice but it's a feeling of REGRET and FAILURE that invades your every thought. I FISH TO KEEP THIS TROUBLED MIND BUSY Because nights full of nightmares create days worth of Anger Because moments of Anger turn into flashbacks and memories of Terror I know because keeping DEPRESSION , ANGER at bay is EXHAUSTING. You may think memories of WAR fade over time or WOUNDS heal and all is forgotten but I can assure

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Helping Veterans Go Fishing - Tagline/Slogan:
We Collect Used and New Fishing Gear. We Disperse the Fishing Gear we collect all year long to our Veterans for free at our Yearly Event. We Give our fellow Veterans the Tools "Fishing Gear" for the own Individual or Group Therapy which is "Fishing"


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