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Honor Flight of the Ozarks

Business Contact:
Walt Cameron
Contact Honor Flight of the Ozarks

Non-Profit Organization | Member since February 22nd, 2017

Honor Flight of the Ozarks believes that every military Veteran deserves to be flown to Washington D.C. to view their respective memorial and other patriotic sights to enjoy a day of honor and respect in appreciation for their service to America.Honor Flight is free to all WWII, Korean, and Vietnam Veterans and to Veterans from any era who suffer a terminal illness. Our goal is to take every Veteran who otherwise would not or could not go, and who wants to fly.

Our Honor Flight would not be possible without the financial support from private and corporate donors and sponsors. We are also seeking to broaden our base of fund raising programs throughout Southwest Missouri with Veteran organizations such as VFW and American Legion, business clubs such as Rotary and Kiwanis. We will continue to partner with all church denominations and Boy and Girl Scouts, and especially enjoy the enthusiastic support of our schools and students who benefit so much from the personal involvement with our Veterans through our Speakers Bureau. Veterans fill the gaps in American History and Social Studies curriculum as they continue the legacy of the wonderful stories which began with our founding fathers to our current military men and women. Our students love our Veterans!

Honor Flight of the Ozarks is a non-profit organization as a 501 (c) (3). All donations are deductible to the extent determined by law.

Your generous support allows us to accomplish our goal of honoring our Veterans!

Please mention you proudly found Honor Flight of the Ozarks on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

This page has been visited 1829 times.

Honor Flight of the Ozarks - Tagline/Slogan:
We believe our Veterans deserve a VIP experience as we fly them to their memorials in Washington D.C.


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