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Corps Stories, Inc.

Business Address:
106 Florida Ave.
Portsmouth, VA 23707
Portsmouth City County
Business Contact:
Meriwether Ball
Contact Corps Stories, Inc.

Non-Profit Organization | Member since August 6th, 2015

Corps Stories, Incorporated is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation operating in the state of Virginia. The corporation was borne from, an online publication launched on Memorial Day 2002. The organization was incorporated in July 2005 and received IRS status in September 2005.

We at Corps Stories are committed to excellent journalism of sacrificing Marines or Marine supporters who have previously gone unnoticed. Corps Stories fill a news void - that of strictly positive, credible news of the individuals defending our constitution through the United States Marine Corps. (Please see our Mission Statement.) Corps Stories seeks to highlight such individuals of all faiths, races and nationalities, as their stories exemplify the affect of Corps values - thus promoting democracy, faith, liberty and patriotism.

Our news is uploaded to the internet frequently. Individual stories are found through the subject matter archives listed on our banner. All stories are permanently archived here; always available without a fee.

Please mention you proudly found Corps Stories, Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

I learned much from my time as a Journalist in the USNR, mainly how to best represent our military members in the media. This site offers so much; great work!

This page has been visited 2815 times.


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