Midwest Tactical Applications Group
Business Contact:
Phil Chaney
Contact M-TAG
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Retired | Member since February 3rd, 2013
Our team brings a unique blend of both operational experience and formal special skills instructor qualifications. Our founder served four years as a Special Missions Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Instructor for 1st Special Operations Training Group, responsible for training Marine Force Recon in Surgical shooting, Dynamic Entry and Breaching. He was later hand selected to be the Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge and Chief Instructor for the Close Quarters Battle section, MCSF, responsible for training all Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Teams (FAST) in CQB.
Our operational experience includes numerous deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. Additional special skills include: Marine Corps Martial Arts Close Combat Instructor Trainer, Special Forces Close Quarters Battle program, Chemical, Biological Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Officers program, LAPD SWAT Instructor School, NRA Tactical Law Enforcement Instructor Courses.
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