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Hogs and Heroes Foundation Maryland Chapter 3 Inc

Business Address:
P.O. Box 30
Elkmills, MD 21920
Cecil County
Business Contact:
Mr. Christopher Brendlinger
Contact Hogs and Heroes Foundation Maryland Chapter 3 Inc

Non-Profit Organization | Member since January 15th, 2013

Welcome to the Hogs and Heroes Foundation Maryland Chapter 3 Cecil and Harford Counties.

The foundation is a community of motorcycle riders that support Public Safety, the U.S. Military and Wounded Warriors. We sponsor and hold fundraising events for various Public Safety, U.S. Military and Wounded Warrior Charities.

We perform Honor Missions for fallen Police Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Workers, Members of the Military killed in Combat Operations and U.S. Military Veterans. We plan and participate in fun rides and events and we participate in fundraisers, fun rides and events of other charitable organizations. We strive to set an example of good Citizenship for the youth of our Nation

We are committed to raise money for the children of Police Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Workers, and Military Personal killed in the line of duty.

Please mention you proudly found Hogs and Heroes Foundation Maryland Chapter 3 Inc on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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