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1-800-Dryclean Franchises Owned by Military Veterans7-Eleven Franchises Owned by Military Veterans
Big League Haircuts Franchises Owned by Military VeteransCircle K Franchises Owned by Military Veterans
Edible Arrangements Franchises Owned By Military VeteransFantastic Sams Hair Salon Franchises Owned by Military Veterans
Freggies Organic Produce Franchise Owned by Military VeteransFurniture Medic Franchises Owned by Military Veterans
Glass Doctor Franchises Owned by Military VeteransGreat Clips Franchises Owned by Military Veterans
Mr. Appliance Franchises Owned by Military VeteransPet Butler Franchise Owned by Military Veterans
Rocket Fizz Franchises Owned by Military VeteransSport Clips Franchises Owned by Military Veterans
The UPS Store Franchises Owned by Military Veterans

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