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Business Listings for Maryland
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Veterans Transplantation Association Support Veterans with organ transplantation, and those veteran waiting for a transplant. We Encourage, ... |
Fisher House Foundation | Rockville, MD 20852 Fisher House Foundation provides a comfortable "home away from home" for families whose loved ones are receiving care at all major military ... |
Give an Hour | Bethesda, MD 20824 Give an Hour's mission is to develop national networks of volunteers capable of responding to both acute and chronic conditions that arise ... |
Hero Dogs | Brookeville, MD 20833 Hero Dogs, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to train and place service dogs with military veterans who become ... |
Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families | Columbia, MD 21046 Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families aims to support veterans and military families by strengthening Howard County's ... |
Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training | Baltimore, MD 21202 MCVET provides housing, mental health services, employment, education, substance abuse support, financial stability, case management, ... |
Phoenix House, Inc. | Columbia, MD 21044 Phoenix House pledges to serve the needs of homeless, unemployed and underemployed female veterans by providing self sufficiency gateways ... |
Semper Fit | Baltimore, MD 21230 Semper Fit is a community based tax exempt non profit corporation founded by two US Marine Corps Veterans and a Hurricane Katrina ... |
Veterans Housing Organization | Baltimore, MD 21227 The Veterans Housing Organization is uniquely equipped to donate cash to "every" veteran and active service member when buying, renting or ... |